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Author's note

This chapter reminded me of a cute little love song ('Like We Grown'). Maybe that's what Lance is thinking lol enjoy!


Kiera opened the front door as she received a text from Lance stating that he had arrived. She wrapped her arms around herself as the cool breeze flew by. But the questions that she didn't want to answer still weighed on her mind. Every time she saw him the memory of them almost kissing played in her mind. Though she found herself enjoying it a little too much, she knew that enjoyment could only stay in her head.

She walked down the steps and sat down. Lance got out of his car and took a seat next to her. They both sat there taking in the silence of the night before Lance spoke. "So why'd you suggest that I come here?"

Kiera shrugged. "I didn't feel like leaving home."

"But you felt like seeing me?"

Kiera glanced over at him but she didn't repy. She expected him to say something like that but not so soon. "Why'd you leave the party?" She changed the subject.

"Because I wanted to see you," Lance smiled as he titled his head to look at her. "And I've had enough noise for one night."

Kiera nodded. Neither of them said anything. The gears in Kiera's mind were turning, wondering when he'd bring up the inevitable. More importantly, she wondered what to say if he did.

"I've missed you, Kiera," Lance said softly. "Even though you try to hide from me every day at school."

"I wasn't doing that." She rebutted. "We just didn't have any reasons to see each other."

"Well, I'm glad we have a reason to see each other now."

Kiera playfully rolled her eyes as the guy stared at her with a smirk on his face. When he didn't stop looking she said, "Why are you staring at me?"

Lance shook his head and looked away. As soon as Kiera looked out to the street she felt his eyes on her again. "What?" she slightly chuckled.

"Nothing," Lance said with a laugh, "But I'm thinking how rare it is that I get to be this close to you. It's nice."

Another breeze flew past them and Kiera instinctively wrapped her arms around herself.

"You're cold? Let me warm you up." Lance said. Before Kiera could reply, Lance had his arms wrapped around her as he slowly rubbed up and down her arms. "You'll feel better in no time."

"Okay, I think I'm better now."

"You sure?"

Kiera nodded and he released her. Another moment of silence ensued until Lance finally said, "Kiera, why'd you leave so suddenly when we hung out on Sunday?"

Kiera's gaze dropped to the ground. The topic was brought up at last and she couldn't run from it anymore. So she took a deep breath and said, "I don't know. I just wasn't expecting that."

"That I wanted to kiss you? Or that you wanted to kiss me back?"

Kiera glanced at him with narrowed eyes.

"Am I wrong?"

As much as she wanted to tell him yes, she couldn't hide it anymore. Her own actions that day gave it away. "No, but..." She paused for a moment trying to find the right words. "I don't know what to do with that. What would happen if I wanted to? We move it along and date or something? Get into a relationship? I don–"

Lance smiled at her and took her hand in his. "Slow down. We don't have to move along that quickly." He assured her. "We can start off by saying how we really feel about each other. And by we I mean you." He added the last part teasingly.

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