Chapter : 13

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Saving the people you love is neither stupid nor a choice..


Off The Cradle

Chapter thirteen : Off The Cradle
Anne's POV

After coming back at home from school, I informed Zach that Dom is gonna come as he has some questions to ask and went straight up in my room. Jennifer told me earlier today that they'll leave by five and then she wants to meet her sister who lives here.

I was working on a project given by literature professor that I'm pretty sure Dom wouldn't be aware off. I was working simultaneously on both of our projects. He's going through lot already. So it's better to keep my mouth shut.

The project was about writing review of a fictious book and then noting down all the important messages of the book chosen. After that we have to write details about author and then finally it is bibliography. I have completed Dom's project completely and I'm writing the review of the book I chose. 'Macbeth' by Shakespeare. His was 'Much ado about nothing' by Shakespeare.

I heard a knock on the door and after slamming the laptop I walked towards the door. Dom and Zach were in sight and they walked in my room. They are together right now. So does this mean that his questions are answered already? Let's see.

"What were you doing Anne?" Zach asked as he made himself comfortable on the chair where I was sitting a second ago. "I was just scrolling through Instagram. What is it?" I know I lied. But anyways who cares.

"Well, Dom here asked me to answer his questions in your room with your presence beside him." Zach mischievously replied and I blushed a bit. Dom patted beside him on my bed and I sat there. Here we go ladies and gentlemen.

"How did father kill my sister?" Dom asked. He was much stronger now than before. Zach's facial expression changed a million folds. "When she was sleeping in her cradle, dad pushed the cradle down the stairs. I was coming out of my room for water and saw this happen. Before he could see me, I ran in again. After that a loud cry was heard my mom. I went out to see that mom was crying her balls out beside her daughter and father was coming out of the room acting as nothing happened. He cried and consoled mom. I didn't have the courage to tell mom about it because it'd be too much for her. Her own husband killing her daughter. Doesn't it sound awful?" Zach replied as I tightened our intertwined hands.

Dom had no emotions on his face. "Okay. And where do you live now?" Change of a subject? Wow. Zach looked up with a certain expression and smiled. "I and Jenni live in London. As you know, we are pregnant, so in a few months our little one will also be out. I'm so excited to be dad." He had a shine in his eyes.

Dom stood up and hugged Zach, "I'm excited to be uncle. I and Anne will be godparents of your baby." Dom said but isn't it like, god parents have to be a couple themselves? Last I checked, we weren't a couple. He's upto some funny business here for sure.

"Ofcourse. Without any doubts you both will be godparents." Jenni walked in as she came up with a camera. Ambrose following her. "Come on let's click a few photos as a momentum. Even though we could not meet much, we can look at these photos and remember of this happy times." She was a thoughtful person. I have to give her that.

I excused myself as it was their family photo but then Jenni grasped my hand in her and brought me closer. Curling her hand around my waist. It felt like family. Though it hasn't been long since I met him. I've been with them since our born. I wonder how my twin will be doing. Hope he's fine. I haven't even seen him since we left aunt's place.

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