Chapter : 38

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Chapter Thirty Eight: Execution.
Anne's POV

It was a four hour journey from his place to the address given. We had to reach by six and soon, it was finally the time. The address was of a ship. It was near the shore. Everything was planned. I had a wireless bluetooth headset with mic. My guardian was George, Grace's dad. He was an inspector. But he had kept his identity hidden. We walked in and everything was planned very well. We had three plans. First we'll go with one and if it failed then second and then third.

We walked in together. And I heard Dom wishing me luck from the earpiece. We reached near the shore and the ship. A huge black man forwarded his hand and we walked up. George following me. Honestly I was shitless scared because I don't even know if our plan will work or not. A minute ago I was all I-can-do-anything-and-will-win-this-war erson but I'm not now.

He showed us the way. It was all downstairs and lord knows how deep this ship was. There was a door in front of us and the man showing us the way left from here. George knocked on the door and a man came out. He scanned our body with that machine which shows if we have any weapons or not. Gladly, nothing came out and he let us in. I didn't know Peter was this stupid but anyways. From here that man showed us the way and led to another room.

He left us outside another door now. What as all this? It's just going boring than nervous. But we have to remember the way up. I knowcked on the door and there stood Uncle Paul. "Oh child how much I've missed your body... uhh I mean you." He corrected himself after George gave him a look.

"How dare he say that thing to my wife!" Dom's voice came. Wife!! Uff.. concentrate Anne concentrate. "We're inside the ship now. There were not many men and whoever was there, they're either killed or under arrest. Continue with your paper work, we'll go and complete our mission." Dom said and I huffed in relief.

"My parents?" I asked in a hoarse voice. "What's the hurry? Let's decide our deal first." Peter said. "What deal? It is all written in the paper isn't it?" I replied. He shook his head, "Not the complete deal is written." He started. He walked beside me and I retreated back. "Don't you dare take a step near her. Talk from where you're standing." George forwarded his hand.

"Woah woah woah. So here is the deal. You sign the paper first, then I'll sign it. And only then you'll get a glance of your parents." He emphasised the glance word."What  the hell is he talking about" Dom asked from the earpiece. "I didn't get you. The deal was that I give you the company and you'll give me my parents." I said firmly walking towards him, gathering both, my energy and my anger.

"Yes cousin. You will get your parents on the wedding day of your boyfriend and my girlfriend." Hun? What is he bickering? "What the -" Dom barked in my ears. "Deny it. Anne deny that damn thing. I'm not going to marry that gold digger." He was continuously blabbering this in my ears and I was totally blank. "Give us a minute." George said excusing us. "What do you want to do now? Still on the plan?" George asked looking at me with absolutely no emotion.

I can't let Dom ruin his life for my parents. And he doesn't want me to accept this for my parents. What should I do!? "Listen to me carefully. We would follow the first half of our first plan and second half of the other." I whispered to George in his ear and Dom could automatically hear me. Both of them were silent for a few seconds. "Are you sure Anne?" George asked and I nodded. "Are you ready? On the count of three okay?" I whispered in the earpiece.

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