Chapter : 37

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Dinner Plans

Chapter Thirty Seven : Dinner Plans
Dom's POV

Lord knows what is going on in her mind but all I want is her safety and coming back of her parents. I have seen her suffer a lot and now that we have this big thing in our hands, no way in hell will I lose this chance. Right now we just reached in the restaurant decided for meeting the whole families of our happy family's members. As of now, it is just me, my family, Joseph, Ambrose, Grace, Richie, Charlotte and their respective families. Paul, Peter and Jimmy were also called because they're the brains of her company and we need to find solution for this in less than two days.

"May I have your attention ladies and gentlemen present here. Thank you. I have a confession to make today. To Grace..." Richie stood up from his place and looked across the table where she sat. Her eyes on him. "When I saw you, my breath stopped, I couldn't sleep even for a minute for the whole nights. In a moment, how would this heart tell its wishes to eagerness.. There are a hundred stories, hundreds of things to talk about, how do I tell them all to you, The first meeting, the first memory, The wish of first rain.... With wet ink, on plain paper, I used to write your name..And sometimes it broke my heart when you used to talk about other males and have boyfriends. Guts.. something I didn't had and today it maybe the last time when we meet because from here on, everyone's paths will be separated. So, today, I want to confess that I like you. I have liked you from a very long time but I just couldn't express it to you. I am in no hurry so you can give your answer whenever you want. And.. if it's a no.. then too its totally okay" Aww Richie so cute.

"What took you so long? I have been waiting for it since a long time and when I started having doubt that you don't like me back, I started dating for distraction but nothing worked out. I like you too Richie." Grace talked the whole way walking towards him and finally taking him in for a kiss.

We all started clapping and all the oohs were heard around them. Slowly everyone started gathering up and all the things going on were discussed. Many opinions were shared among us and in the very end we came on a final solution. Many parents were happy to know about parents of Joseph and Anne are safe and sound and many practical were angry about knowing truth of the Scotts. As of now, we all are going to respective places and tomorrow morning when the papers come we will gather again but only who can be helpful. I and Anne were in a separate car because I wanted to take her somewhere where her mind can be diverted and we can have some 'we time' that we haven't had since a long time.

"Are you planning to tell me where are we going or should I eat you here itself?" my spitfire spoke. "You tell me where you want to go?" what's wrong in asking anyway. "Umm well home would be good too but since you said you want to spend some time alone with me, I don't find any place as such. Take me wherever you want to. As long as I have fun, I don't mind going anywhere with you." She spoke gliding her hand through my hair.

"You can take some rest. Where I want to take you is quite far from here. Sleep until we reach there because I don't think I'll let you sleep once we reach there." I told her. "Will you care enough to tell me where?" she raised one brow and looked at me with amusement. "Well I surely care for you but just enjoy my amazing company this time and trust me you'll totally enjoy it. Now no more questions. Come on close your eyes and take some rest." She huffed and agreed. She's so cute lord.

Soon enough we reached the place. This is the place we used to call our home. My cliff house. She's looking so peaceful while sleeping I don't even want to disturb her sleep. Its better that I wait for her to wake up. I looked at her sleeping figure and kept looking at her until I felt a movement. She slowly opened her eyes as buds open and flower blooms similarly her beautiful blue eyes came in view. Just by looking at her I could feel my mini self growing up. "What are you looking at?" she asked looking at me. "You're doing things to me. Sometimes I just am not able to control myself." I blurted out not knowing why.

"And are you able to control it now?" she asked cheekily. She doesn't know she has asked a super wrong question now. I shook my head at her shyly. "Should I tell you a secret?" she asked. I nodded at her. She came closer to me and whispered in my ears, "Even I can't." We're in a big mess.

"Anne, my dear. Don't start something you can't end." I was shifting in my seat. "Why not go in and talk?" She asked. Her voice getting hoarse. I nodded and we walked inside the house. She sat right beside me with her sides touching mine. "So what were we talking about?" She asked batting her eyelashes flirtatiously. "We were uhh.. talking about nothing." I made some space between us. "Is it? I remember talking about something about not controlling." She scooted closer to me.

"Anne. Do you really want it?" I asked straight on the point. "Well.. I don't know what are you talking about." She's playing too innocent to be true. "I am talking about us sleeping together." I spoke softly. "About that.. haven't we slept together so many times. Actually we sleep together daily." Why is she playing so much. "Sweetheart, I asked if you really want to have me inside you?" Now this was better.

"Not really. We're too young for that and beside being young, I ain't having pills and I'm sure you won't be having protection here. So some other day." Here we go again. I was at an edge man. "But.. how about this?" She asked and before I could ask anything further, she sat on my lap. Straddling on my erected muscle and roaming hands in my hair.

She brought me in a long melting kiss and a moan slipped off of my mouth. She ran wild and leaned forward making me lay back on my back. She slowly glided her hand downwards and started rubbing me and several moans erupted from my mouth. This had to be the most sensational part of my life until date.


We reached home early morning because today we'd get the papers and the address. Yesterday night though was very sensational, we didn't go any further as promised. But we surely took our relationship on the next step. And we both were too tired to keep our eyes open so we dozed off sooner than we know and that too in the same position. When we woke up, our body was full of aches but right now wasn't the time to think about it. We need to concentrate on today and tomorrow.

We walked in our respective rooms to quickly get ready and have some food. Since I hadn't went to the cliff for a long time, I was out of all the food items. Including snacks, funny right? I know.

Soon I was ready and walked down to see our male members sitting on the couch and female members were nowhere to be seen. I joined Zach and dad and sat beside Zach. "So, where were you two last night?" What's up with him? "Hey you're blushing. Did you ha-" "No we were at my cliff house. Sleeping." I shouted the last word in his ears. He laughed at me and said, "I was going to ask did you had something to eat. You dirty minded person." Oh lord. He provokes me so much. I picked up a pillow and threw it on him. He dodged it and threw one on me. I grabbed the pillow and was about to throw on him when mom shouted, "Breakfast is ready kids. Come on." I placed the pillow down again and stood up.

"I'll call Anne and join you." I told Zach. "Oh Mr lover boy. Your girlfriend is already in the kitchen." When did she come? Anyways all that matters is she's down already. I nodded at Zach and we walked towards dining table. As we settled down I heard Anne, mom and Jennifer talking about something. "I've already called them because papers will be here soon and they live far from here so it'll take a lot of time." Anne spoke to mom while she sat beside me. "You're right. We can't afford to waste even a single minute today." Mom replies and she nodded. I don't know who are they both talking about but I'm too hungry to ask about it so it better be so. 

After we finished breakfast, dad had some work to do so he went out and we all were busy in our own work. What made me sad was that Jimmy, Paul and Ziach had all attention of Anne because they were working here and I was getting bored. Bell rang off and all of us got alert. I stood up from the couch but Jimmy signalled me to sit down. I shrugged and sat down as he steadily walked towards the door.

He opened it to find a red envelope. As expected. He closed the door shut and walked towards us. We opened it and found a copy of papers in it. All of us went through the paper and we started thinking about solution to this situation. In the very end, all the ideas were brought together and a plan was made.

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Next Chapter: Execution

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Happy Reading Loves!

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