SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2: going back to an old home

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sonic and tails finally arrived at their homeworld mobius as they walked through the ring portal as it disapeared behind them. sonic had a smile on his face seeing his old home and looking at the sight of greenhills a great place for living a live of freedom and peace, but he remembered about the echidna tribe and longclaw sacrificing her life for him.

he had a small frown on his mouth feeling guilty for her death, tails sees this and puts his hand sonic's shoulder as he looks at him with a smile and says.

TAILS: it's not your fault sonic.

sonic was surprised tails knew what he was thinking and looks at the two tailed fox genuis.

SONIC:*curious* how do you know so much about me?

 TAILS: i guess it's probrably the good time to tell you why i guess. 


the scene changes to a flashback of a young tails being bullied by some mobiens as they pushed him about and one holded him as one of them smashed one of his gadgets he made with a stone causing the young fox to cry and have a sad and depressing look as he falls to his knees looking at his destroyed gadget holding the broken pieces as the bullies leaved through the forest laughing how pathatic the two tailed abomination was.

TAILS: when i was born i had no parents, i was left in the middle of a forest near my village, i survived by myself and went into the village near me and when i did i got looks of disgust and laughable, the kids their would bully me because of my mutation and my genius. i never fitted in anywhere in the village, i was a outcast and a freak to them all i never fitted in i became...depressed and sad.

the young tailed fox was walking through the forest of greenhills sad and depressed after having his bullies hurt him and destroy his gadget he made, he feeled like he had no one to love him or look out for him even his own parents abandoned him. he cried silently not making a sound as he kep walking but then he feels a whoosh of wind go right past him as he looks up to see a blue streak past right by him.

tails wipes his tears away and had a curious look on his face wanting to know what that was so he dashes off with his two tails as he hovers off the ground and goes as fast as his tails can go,  he fly up above the forest to see the blue streak of energy going out the forest and going speeding off on the green grass tracks in green hills. tails goes down to follow the blue streak and goes through the tracks like the blue streak did.

the blue streak then turned into a ball going around the left and right corners of it. tails saw this and had a smile on his face and copy what the blue streak done, he turns into a ball but his tails are still out as he drifts left and right like it did. he then goes down a hill fromthe track and goes faster thanks to the momentum of it and goes flying up in when he gets of the high ledge of it and is in the air as he un morphs intoa ball and smile as he has his arms out with happyniss.

 he then goes down a hill fromthe track and goes faster thanks to the momentum of it and goes flying up in when he gets of the high ledge of it and is in the air as he un morphs intoa ball and smile as he has his arms out with happyniss

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