SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2: the 1th chaos emerald and the zone!

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sonic and tails found themselves in a strange new place that is all weird and strange new zone which the sky is blue with squares and the ground they are on is brown with squares after going through the large ring.

SONIC: wow! this place is insane tails! so do you know the locaction of the chaos emerald is?

TAILS: well my mile electrics says that we are getting close.

sonic looks around too look for it but then he sets his eyes on a blue emerald that's on the a high platform with other ones surrounding  it.

SONIC: i found it! lets go tails! *runs off at mach 2 speed*

TAILS: right behind you buddy! *speeds off at his own speed beside sonic*

sonic and tails jump platform o platform and sonic wall runs on a wall platform near him and jumps off it with a spindash as tails just flys straight to the chaos emerald but is blocked by a wall platform infront of him slamming into it but recovers still flying.

TAILS: sonic we may have a problem!

SONIC: *lands on a platform* what proble-*nearly gets hit by a wall platform* WHOA!

sonic looks around him and sees wall platforms going everywhere in different directions.

SONIC: oh that problem.

TAILS: *dodging wall platforms* it must be a security mechanism sonic, for intruders!

SONIC:*sarcastic* well isn't that great!

sonic jump over a wall platform and looked to see the platform with the chaos emerald with it is moving farther away from them.

SONIC: oh come on! tails we have to get to the chaos emerald fast!

TAILS: got it!

sonic charged his spindash and went off at great speed as he jumped while still in his spindash and bounced of wall platform to another while tails was flying towards the chaos emerald but was getting blocked by wall platforms but avoided them by doing a aerol movements.

sonic was stopped doing his spindash and jumped platform to platform again doing front flips and avoidng wall platforms. sonic was nearly to the chaos emerald but was hit by wall platform from the left and sonic falls down in the abyse like zone but tails saw this and went down and grabbed sonic and going up.

SONIC: thanks tails!

TAILS: no problem. but we need to get to that chaos emerald before it dissapears!

SONIC: than lets go!

tails goes full speed going after chaos emerald platform as it keeps moving away from the two. sonic tells tails to throw him at it and he does as tails spins sonic around and throws him straight at the chaos emerald as he reaches his hand for it and grabs it as he lands on the platform softly.


TAILS: YEAH! *puts fist in the air*

suddenly both tails and sonic teleport out of the special zone as they found themselves in a new zone.



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