The slap

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In the morning everyone was gathered for breakfast, jon and kitty included. But that was only because Robert requested kitty's presence. Sandor was sent to fetch them. They were in the gardens as they did most mornings eating together when sandor told them the king wished to eat with them.

'are you sure, sandor?' kitty asked as they walked.

'aye, that's what he said. Get the cat and the bastard.' Sandor grumbled.

'did he say why?' jon asked very confused on why his presence would be requested as well.

'do I look like a messanger?' sandor asked harshly.

'no.' jon said slowly as they neared the banquet hall. Jon and kitty shared a worried glance as they got closer but put on their brave faces when sandor pushed the doors open for them.

"There you are!' Robert said happily when kitty and jon walked in to join them for breakfast. Sandor moved back to his spot behind the prince after escorting kitty to the table. She thanked him with a small smile before taking her seat. No one ever thanked him...

'I didnt see you last night sweetie' king Robert said through a mouth full of food.

'She wasnt feeling well your grace' Catelyn interrupted.

'Well you look alright now. No?' Robert questioned over his glass, looking kitty up and down.

'Yes your grace i feel much better. Thank you.' She smiled across at tyrion. He had yet taken his eyes off her since she walked in the room. How someone with one leg could walk with such grace and elegance was beyond him.

'Ready for that hunt your grace?' Ned said as he entered the room. Ned came up behind kitty and kissed the top of her head. 'hello my love.' Ned said with a smile before Robert stood up and sauntered over to him. Catelyn tried her best not to scoff. The king wanted Katarina here and now he was leaving.

'I will see you soon little one.' Robert said patting kittys head as he left with her father and ser jaime. Cersei watched her brother go longingly. To anyone else it would seem as though she was pinning after the king. Her husband.

Sansa was displeased that the king was showing such interest in kitty. Even though she was to be married to joffery once she bled the king was already treating kitty as though she was to be his daughter and not sansa. She scoffed at their interaction and it did not go unnoticed by kitty but she kept her face neutral focusing on the fruit in front of her. kitty couldn't remember the last time she ate a full meal in here with her family.

'I have a cat.' Tommen said sweetly.

'is that so?' kitty asked. ' I have always wanted a cat but it seems it is just too cold in winterfell...' she noticed the queens glare and became nervous. 'what is your cats name?'

'ser pounce.' He said proudly.

'that is a wonderful name.' kitty said with a smile.

'Its too bad,' joffery spoke up interrupting their conversation. All eyes moved to the prince.

'Whats that my sweet boy' cersei said smiling over at her son.

'Shes the cripple no?' Jon clenched his fist kitty put a hand over his trying to calm him. She was a master at faking a smile. Jon needed work to control his anger.

'Yes thats right.' Kitty spoke softly. Tyrion sat across from her and watched her curiously.

'Your face is rather pretty' joffery went on. Sansa hated this immensely. How could he the prince call her deformed sister pretty. 'Too bad you are deformed, mutated, a bastard in your own right.' Joffery was a cruel boy but his mother only smiled slyly over her cup. Kittys smile faltered for only a moment for it took alot of strength to try and keep jon in his seat.

But tyrion wouldnt have it. He rose from spot and walked over to his nephew and slapped him across the face. Kitty bit her lip trying to contain her smile. Jons face dropped. Surprised that the little lord would stand up for his sister after only just meeting her.

'Mother!' Joffery whined. Sansa and catelyn rose from their spots appalled faces frozen.

'Tyrion!' cersei warned rising to her feet and marching towards her monster of a brother.

'Apologize' tyrion demanded

'No i wont apo-'

He slapped him again. Sandor Robb theon and jon all did their very best not to smile but they were simply dying trying to hold back their laughter.

Sandor couldnt tell you how many times he wanted to slap the little cunt around. Why did the imp get to have all the damn fun?

'Mother' joffery cried out again.

'Tyrion!' Cerise pulled tyrion away from him only to get slapped herself. Shocked she stood there confused. Tyrion marched back over to joffery slapped him again and said one final time.

'Apologize.' Joffery looked over to his stunned mother and then to kitty she was shocked as well. No one except jon would stand up for her this way.

'I apologize.' joffery said bitterly

She let herself smile but it wasnt for joffery it was for tyrion.

Tyrion let out a deep breath and sat back down. 'Well i sure worked up an appetite' he said finishing another big glass of wine.

'I think its best if you go now katarina.' Catelyn said sternly. Jon rose with her escorting her out. 'I am so sorry for her your grace,' catelyn said and kittys head spun around. Sorry for her? She didnt do anything wrong. She sat there once again not having eaten a bite before she was ridiculed.

'Come on.' Jon whispered in her ear pulling her along.

'Well...' cersei glared at tyrion.

'In fact i am no longer hungry. I think i will make haste as well.' He said hoping to catch up with katarina.

'Please forgive her for her outburst,' catelyn went on. sansa nodded hoping to win back the queens good graces. Robb and theon shared a look and left themselves. Arya followed suit not because she cared but because she was bored.

This is why kitty eats apart from the family. It was better, less mockery when it was just her and jon.

Tyrion wanted to yell and scream and slap both the lady stark and her pompous daughter sansa. But tyrion couldnt get away with slapping them not after he slapped cersei. She already wanted his head. But surely this wasnt going to be his last day alive? If so he must find kat. If he was to die then He wanted to die with her smiling face the last thing he sees.

The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now