Cat and Dog

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'Shae,' tyrion warned and she sent him a glare. 'I let you stay here and fuck bronn but if you keep up this attitude towards the lady katarina i will remove your head myself.' She scoffed at him. Who was this little man to threaten her? She ran off to find sansa. Tyrion just shook his head displeased at the whores attitude. Sansa was obviously telling her lies or maybe shae is truly just a bitch. Probably both Tyrion thought as he made his way back to his room to see katarina already playing a new tune on the balcony. And just like that all his angry faded with the breeze and soft strums of the music. He would talk to the king in the morning and make katarina his bride.

But joffery already had others plans in motion for the cat. Joffery decreed that katarina stark was to marry sandor Clegane by weeks end.

'Im sorry kitten' sandor said slowly walking over to her. Not wanting to spook her even more. She looked up at him over teary eyes.

'Im sorry' she said immediately and sandor knelt down in front of her confused

'Youre sorry?' He questioned

'It is so very unkind of me...' she wiped at the tears on her face. 'You are a nice man, a good man, you have... you have helped me.' she held back a sob. 'And saved me more times than i can count.' She wiped at her tears again they wouldn't stop falling. 'Im sorry i just. Im sorry i am glad to marry you sandor.' Her words came out choppy as she tried to compose herself

'Oh kitten. Its okay to be sad or mad.' He ran a hand up and down her arm. 'Kitten-' but he was cut off as tyrion marched in eyes furious.

'Out.' He said and sandor begrudgingly stood giving kittys shoulder a squeeze before leaving. 'Im so sorry.' Tyrion whispered. 'I will fix this.' He promised kissing her hands.

'There is nothing to fix Tyrion,' she said through sniffles

'Katarina' he purred bringing his hand to hold her face

'The king de-declared it. So it must be.' Her breaths were jagged and quick.

'No. I will...' tyrion didnt know what he could do now. If he asked the king for her hand he would surely say no and with her father dead kitty had no one in her family to fight for her happiness, no one to fight for her in general.

'Sandor has been... kind to me.' She told him. 'He is a good... man.'

'But you deserve love' tyrion told her.

'I deserve nothing. I deserve nothing' she repeated. 'I am nothing. I am no one i am but a broken woman that cannot defend herself. Whoes family is dead or hates her. Whoes to be married to a man she does not love. But I deserve nothing. So i am grateful for everything. I'm grateful for living. Even if it is a sad life for me.'

Tyrion looked up at her feeling just as hopeless.

'I should never have been born. Thats what my sister and mother said. So i am grateful for everyday that i am allowed to live.' Tyrion opened his mouth but the door swung open silencing him. He dropped his hold on kitty as he spun to the door

'It is not proper for you to be visiting the little lady now brother. She is to be married. Your time together must come to an end.' Cersei spat. She shoved tyrion out the door forcing him down the hall.

'I take it this was your idea?' Tyrion questioned with a sneer

'No it was all joffery. I told you he was a smart boy. A wonderful idea dont you think? A dog and a cat. Bound Together for all eternity.' Cersei walked away with poise but tyrion knew her facade all too well. She had plans for him as well.

The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now