Make my head spin

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Kitty lay back and looked at the sky, the sun barely peaking over the horizon. But as she was enjoying the birds chirping and the sound of waves crashing in the distance. It lulled her back to sleep.

But when sandor woke the next morning arya was gone. He looked over and saw kitty still asleep he kissed her head whispering he would be back she moaned a little as she moved adjusting on the hard ground. Sandor jumped up and looked around. Arya was practicing, waving needle around, her feet moving quickly and quietly. She stuck out her blade, sandor emerged.

'what the hell are you doing?'

'I'm practicing.' She told him continuing on with her spinning and stabbing the air.

'what practicing ways to die?' sandor said with a laugh.

'no one is going to kill me!' she told him.

'you will if you dance around like that... that's no way to fight.' Sandor told her.

'its not fighting,' she corrected. 'its water dancing.'

'dancing? Maybe you otta put on a dress. Like your sister.' Sandor remarked 'who taught you to fight like that?'

'the greatest swordsman to ever live. Syrio the first sword to the sea lord of bravvos.'

'Bravvos.' Sandor chuckled out the name. 'a wee little bastard, they all are.'

'what do you know about anything!' arya demanded.

'I bet his hair was greasier than Jofferys cunt.' Sandor spat. Arya lunged at him.

'it was not!'

'it was. Is he dead?'

'he is.'

'who by?' sandor questioned, the two were face to face screaming at each other.

'meryn trant. That's why meryn is on my-'

'Meryn trant? The greatest swordsman that ever lived was killed by meryn fucking trant?'

'he was out numbered!' arya said defending her friend.

'any boy with a sword could beat three meryn trants!' sandor declared.

'he didn't have a sword or armor, just a stick.' Arya told him.

'the greatest swordsman to ever live didn't have a sword?' sandor laughed, Arya just stared at him. 'alright you have a sword, lets see what you got? Do it for your friend... dead like all the rest of your friends.' Arya stabbed sandor in the stomach but his armor protected him.

'ARYA!' Kitty screamed having been woken up from a nice dream to the sounds of the two screaming at each other. Sandor slapped arya down. "SANDOR!" she moved quickly stumbling to get to them. Sandor picked up Needle and put it to aryas face.

'your friend is dead and meryn trant is not.' Sandor told her. 'because trant had armor and a big fucking sword.' Kitty looked between them, horror on her face as she waited for either of them to make a move. There was nothing she could do. Absolutely nothing.

Arya still on her back, sandor spun the blade around and handed it to her.

'honestly, can we not go one fucking day without trying to kill one another?' kitty shouted heading back up to the horses.

'did the little flower just cuss?' sandor smirked following her up.

'You two, I swear you two make my head spin!' kitty told him. 

The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now