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'I wish you hadn't done that.'

'I am grateful for your loyalty, but my dragon died so that we could be here if it's all for nothing then he died but nothing!' Daenerys told him

'I know,' jon muttered

'I'm glad you finally decided to bend the knee to our queen but have you ever considered to lie every now and again just a bit?' Tyrion asked.

'I'm not going to swear in oath I cannot uphold, talk about my father if you want, say that's what got him killed but when enough people make false promises promises stop meaning anything.' Jon told them. 'And there are no more answers only better and better lies' Jon told them 'and lies won't help us win this fight'

'this is indeed a problem... we are fucked.' Tyrion told them

'Is there any plan on how we change that statement?' Davos asked

'Only one. We stay here and I go and talk to my sister' tyrion said

'I did not come all this way to have my hand murdered' Dani told him marching towards him

'You could've murdered me as well. I could've stayed in my cell and saved everyone a whole lot of trouble.' Tyrion added.

'I did this' Jon said 'I should go and try and fix this.'

"Jon don't be ridiculous. She will kill you on sight now that you told her you swore allegance to Daenarys!' rina told him

'She will definitely murder you if you go.' tyrion told him, 'I go see my sister alone or we all go home and we are right back where we started.' tyrion told her Dan gave him a nod and he was off to his death they all assumed. 'Katarina.' Tyrion questioned walking over to her and sandor. 'might I have a moment?'

'Of course.' Kitty said sweetly.

'I might be dying.' Tyrion told her as he led her away from sandor.

'What?" she asked confused.

'I might be killed within the next few moments. By my sister.' Tyrion clarified.

'so don't go.' Kitty told him. 'we can find another way... cant we?' Tyrion shook his head.

'I don't think so my darling girl.' Tyrion informed her.

'Oh...' it escaped her lips, she sucked in a breath. 'well...' her mouth moved but words didn't come.

'Its okay. Its okay... if I die at elast I died trying.' Tyrion told her holding onto her hands.

'but... no.' she declared. 'No Tyrion we didn't survive your family and MY family just to die now. not when we are so close.' Kitty told him. 'cant you feel it? We are all so close to freedom. To freedom from our past and our families and our... birth defects.' She added lifting her dress slightly. 'tyrion you cant die. The world needs good men like you.'

'The world needs Katarina Clegane, more than it will ever need me.' Tyrion told her.

'That's not true. You were my first friend Tyrion. My very first friend.' She said through tears. 'I thought when I left with sandor, left kings landing, well at first I thought I was going to die but then when sandor found a maester that saved me... I thought I would get to live a long life, but I would never get to see my only friend again. I thought I would never get to see my brother, I thought I was going to get to live but I would be alone.' Tyrion held her hands tighter letting out a shaky breath. 'but I wasn't alone. I had sandor. I love him. And then we found Jon again. I thought my heart was going to explode.' Kitty admitted. 'then I found you.' She dropped down to her knees. 'tyrion I cant have the three most important people in my life fade away one by one. Not when I just got you all back.' Kitty pleaded hugging him.

'oh kitty.'

'Tyrion you cant let her kill you, you cant die. Please,' kitty whispered.

'I have to try and save us all.' Tyrion told her kissing her cheek. 'thank you, if I do not come back... thank you kitty. For being my only true friend as well.'


"This is a waste of time and you know it Kitty.' Sandor grumbled. 'hes not going to convine that bitch to do anything.'

"Hush, have faith in tyrion.' Kitty told him as they all stood around waiting.

'Have faith in the imp, he will save us all. That will be the bloody day.' Sandor muttered. Kitty held her breath when she heard footsteps echoing along the path.

Tyrion came walking up alone then moments later Cersei and Jaime and their army marched with them

cersei approached Dani, everyone turning to face the two queens.

'My armies will not stand down I will not pull them back to the capital I will march them north to fight alongside you in the great war' cersei told her 'the darkness is coming for us all we will face it together and the great war is over perhaps you remember I chose to help no promises or assurances from any of you.' Cersei told them, she turned back to her men. 'Call our banners, all of them.'

'I told you everything would be fine.' Kitty whispered to sandor sending a grateful smile tyrions way.

The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now