Bedding Ceremony

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'There will be no bedding ceremony.' Sandor barked.

'I am the king and if I want a bedding ceremony I will get a bedding ceremony.' He waved a hand and Men picked up kitty and she shrieked out as they pulled at her awful dress. But sandor stood up and stood in their way.

"Put my wife down." He demanded and they all did and dropped her right on her arse. Sandor scoped her up and carried her away as she cried into him.

"didn't want to see a naked hound anyways' joffery said with a laugh but Tyrion could tell he wanted to humiliate kitty some more. As if marrying her off to one of the most feared men and shoving her up the chapel steps putting her in a gods awful dress and tormenting her upon every corner was not enough.

Sandor placed kitty on the bed and she looked up at him expectantly.

"Get out of that awful thing and get some rest." Sandor said as he started to peel off his own clothes. Slowly she did as he said now in her under clothes she started to remove the ties but sandor put a hand on her stopping her. "No."

"No?" she questioned swallowing the lump in her throat.

"No kitten. Go to bed and go to sleep." She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Really?" she choked out.

"Aye.' He lay on the bed and she crawled in next to him.

"Thank you sandor." She whispered and he wrapped an arm around her pulling her to him.

"I told you I would protect you. I'm most certainly not going to be the one to hurt ya." He told her kissing the top of her head. She wrapped an arm around his waist and fell asleep. No longer afraid just content that at least for now she would survive another day.

In the morning she woke to sandors large arm draped over her waist. She turned watching him for a while before he spoke up eyes still closed.

"Kitten?" she turned around and smiled at him. "What are you looking at?"

"You." She replied simply.

"What about me?"

"Would you..." no they were just married and it seemed like a sore topic she shouldn't, she wouldn't. he ran a hand up and down her waist.

"Would I what kitten?"

"No its ... no I'm sorry." She turned back around but sandor caught her waist keeping her facing him he opened his eyes slowly.

"Ask me kitten." He said slowly and she nodded and brought a hand up to his face, his scarred face.

"What happened?" he closed his eyes at her touch, so gentle, so soft.

"Its not a fun story."

"I didn't think it was." She replied fingers still trilling on his cheek.

"Me brother. Me arse of a brother shoved my face in the fire, held me down... all because he thought I stole his fucking toy... I didn't steal it I was just playing with it... never touched his shit again..."

"I'm so sorry sandor. That's awful. From your own brother."

"You met gregor?"

"I had the pleasure yes..." she said remembering their interaction his great displeasure, he had growled at her and shoved her out of his way.

'Oh kitten. I got you something." He got out of bed and made his way to the chest at the bottom on the bed.

'You didnt have to do that' she began

'No i wanted to. A wedding present'

'Well now i feel like the worlds biggest jerk. I didnt get you anyt-'

'Kitten shut up for a minute and open your gift' he said the a grin

'Thank you'

'Open it first then thank me if you actually like it.' Sandor told her.

'Im sure i wi- oh sandor.' She pulled back the cloth to find a beautiful cane. It was decorated with vines and flowers and she wanted to cry. 'This is... this is so... sandor!' she cried out hugging him.

'You like it?' He questioned wrapping his arms around her.

'Oh sandor i love it, truly. This is one of the nicest things ive ever received. Next to the leg from jon and then Tyrion.' she said with a smirk

'Im above the imp though right?' she shot him a warning glare. 'Im above the little man right?' he corrected and she nodded.

'Thank you' she repeated kissing both his cheeks. He blushed slightly but didnt notice she was too busy admiring the beauty of her new cane.

The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now