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3 years later

'Lyanna Clegane you get your cute booty over here!' A naked Little lyanna ran away laughing she wasnt paying attention the biggest smile on her face. She ran right into jons arms. He scopped her up. Spinning her arms. She squealed with delight.

'You not listening to mama?' Jon questioned with a laugh

'Little miss needs to put some clothes on' sandor remarked.

'She has decided against clothing,' kitty informed him. 'Rather run the streets bare.' Lyanna smiled happy back at her. 'Alright fine. How about a swim in the waters instead?'

'Waa- taah!' She said happily clapping in jons arms.

'Alright give me little hooligan,' Sandor said holding out his hands. Lyanna clung to him.

'Here,' kitty handed over a dress. 'So she doesnt roast herself on the way there.'

'No no.' lyanna declared

'Youre lucky youre cute you know that?' Kitty said slipping the dress over her head as sandor struggled to hold her still. 'So pretty.' Lyanna gave her best pout. 'You can run naked once we get there,' kitty assured her and a smile crept onto her face. 'Goodness hopefully this one will be calm i dont think i can handle another lyanna,' kitty teased kissing her daughters nose. Lyanna reached out for kitty, sandor handed her off. Lyanna started playing with her hair.

'Ovv ooo' lyanna said kissing kittys cheek

'I love you too.' Kitty echoed holding her close. Sandor wrapped his arms around her his hand resting on her tiny baby bump.

His little family was growing. This was something he never imagined for himself. Kitty never thought this life for herself either. But they became each other's sanctuary.

A/N Thank you got reading!

Want to see what would have happened if she stayed with Tyrion?

The hound, the Imp and the Cripple //Tyrion lannister is available. 


The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now