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'Brandon can we talk?' Kitty asked coming up behind him

'Katarina I'm so very sorry for how I treated you-' Bran told her when she walked around to the front of his wheel chair.

'You were just kid, you were following along with what everyone else was telling you it's not entirely your fault...' kitty told him. 'you had bad role models.'

'Yes but you are always sweet to me and I still treated you like crap. I had a mind of my own I didn't have to follow along with everyone else... I'm sorry you didn't deserve that you did deserve for any of it.' Kitty nodded. No she deserved better then she got but it was too late to change the past she could only focus on the future and the present.

'Could you find in your heart to forgive me?' bran asked and kitty thought about it for a long moment, the snow falling around them. Her black cloak turning white from the snow, snowflakes clinging to her eyelashes. She let out a deep sigh.

'I'm going to try.' He nodded understanding.

'I have the sight now.' Bran told her

'What does that mean?'

'I can transport my conscience into animals, people.'

'What does that mean?' She repeated

'It means I've seen a lot, ive grown a lot, I'm not the same person you once knew.'

'Do you mean how you saw the white walkers destroy the wall?' kitty asked.

'yeah like I saw the white walkers destroy the wall.' He confirmed.

'So with the sight what... how does it work?' kitty questioned she had never even heard of the sight before, only in books years ago but all it said was people with the sight were witches.

'I focus and I go where I want. I've been practicing mastering it over the years. When I use the sight I get to run again as a dog or a wolf or a bear and I get to fly as a Raven. I can go in people to.' he told her.

'You can go on to people like possess them?' kitty questioned, that was a terrifying thought.

'It's harder to control people than it is animals but yes.' He told her.

'Thats cool. That's also really really terrifying.'

'Don't worry I would never possess you unless you were in trouble and needed help.' He assured her.

'Who have you possessed?' kitty wondered.

'Hodar. A few others to get information but mainly Hodar.' Bran told her, she pulled her cloak tighter around her. she took another deep breath and snow fell from her cloak and swirled to the ground.

'Why did you do it?'

'Because we were in trouble and he was freaking out and we needed his help so he needed mine.' Bran told her simply.

'Wow that's... Wow.' Kitty didn't know weather to be terrified for impressed, both possibly.

'You know don't you?' bran questioned and kitty looked to his face, his pale face and dark hair, his eyes sadder then they used to be.

'What do I know?' Kiity questioned

'That Jaime Lannister is the one that pushed me out the window...' Kitty nodded

'I saw the way you two are looking at each other I saw that pain and guilt wash across his face. That statement you made; the things you do for love... you said it so calmly as though you're repeating someone else's words.' Kitty told him.

The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now