Good job Flower

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But their happy moment in the sun, where everything was simple, where they didn't have to worry about war and death and pain or what tomorrow would bring... vanished, their moment in the sun didn't last long. They were building a sept when the brotherhood without banners came, waving around threats. Sandor was ready to fight. He was healed and he was itching to punch someone but Ray didn't like violence.

Ray told them the group has nothing to give the riders: no horses, gold, or weapons; only rest. The riders left upon hearing this.

'Stay warm, the nights get cold and it's a dangerous world out here.' They threatened before leaving. Ray refused to fight them though when sandor suggested it. Ray being a pacifist claiming violence is a disease that should not be spread, despite Sandor arguing that it would spread anyhow if they did not prepare for combat.

"I'm done with fighting." Ray told him

"Even if it's to protect yourself?" sandor questioned, throwing down his axe, 'to protect your family.' He looked to Kitty.

"Violence is a disease. You don't cure a disease by spreading it to more people." Ray told him.

'Those were Beric's men... but Beric didn't want to spread violence to the innocent. He told us that. his people yelled at you for crimes the Lannisters commited. I don't think Beric knows what those men are doing in the brotherhoods name.' kitty told him.

'Either way...' sandor huffed. 'they come back. I kill them.'

In exasperation, sandor decided to go off into the woods to cut more firewood, saying that it would be a cold night. Ray offered to save some of the ale and dinner for him and Kitty. As sandor was chopping, kitty sat humming a tune. She smiled over at him.

'I'm gonna get you a new leg, next town we are in.' he told her. she looked up from the picture she was drawing in the dirt.

'I don't need it. I have my cane and I have you.' Kitty reminded him. 'save your coin for something important.'

'you are important,' he reminded her throwing down his axe and kneeling in front of her. she pulled him to her, their lips meeting just as the echo of screams rang out in the distance.


When they arrived they saw the madness in front of them and Kitty felt rage like she never felt before. The building site was sacked and every one of Ray's followers were mercilessly killed. Ray himself was hanged from the rafters of the unfinished sept. They looked up to Rays body hanging limply.

' Those monsters did this.' Kitty rasped a sob in her throat as she looked over her dead friends. Sandor picked up his axe and marched off.

'I'm gonna kill those fuckers.' Sandor said marching off. 'these people were not equipped for a fight, they were sitting fucking ducks! I cant let them get away with that!' kitty knowing she couldn't do anything besides beat them over the head uselessly with her cane until she toppled over followed sandor into the forrest.

When Sandor finally caught up with Lem he was about to be hanged for his crimes, Beric Dondarrion and Thoros were standing in front of them, ready to hang him.

'hanging....' Kitty said taking a breath, she hadn't remembered the last time she took a breath, she felt light headed. After she saw her friends dead bodies it was go, go, go. Find the men that did it, no time to think or breathe.

'why are you lot after Lem?' Thoros asked. "Lady Stark... nice to see you again...' Thoros raised a hand to wave

'don't look at her.' Sandor snapped.

'why are you after Lem?' beric said pointing to the man they were about to hang.

"He killed a friend of mine", sandor replied. Ray's teachings and kindness had had a significant impact on Sandor, he shouldn't have gone like he did. This fucker needed to die painfully and slowly. 'hanging is too good for this cunt.' Sandor told them.

'well its effective, quick' beric told him

'its fast and this fuckers needs to die slow for what he did.' Sandor told them taking a step forward. 'I want em all.' Gesturing to the other brotherhood without banners men awaiting death.

'you can one.' Thoros said. 'they are our men we are dealing with them as we see fit.'

'Two.' Sandor countered.

'Two. Because of what they did to your friends.' Beric said.

Sandor moved to slice them open.

'we hand them, we are not animals.' Thoros told him.

'hanging it quick he needs to suffer.' Sandor repeated. As the men argued kitty looked down at the logs keeping the men upright.

'Ello little one.' He sneered down at her noose around his neck. She swung her cane at his face, blood trickled down his nose, Beric and Sandor turned at the sound of bone cracking. 'You bitc-' Kitty swung her cane again, under his feet, the log rolled away. she did the same for the other two, a smack to the face and then to the log. Sandor walked pleased as the men died, blood running down their once smug faces.

'Good job Flower.' Sandor said coming up behind her. she let out a huff of a breath. He kissed her cheek from behind.

'Come with us. Its not safe here anymore.' Beric told them. 'winter is coming.'

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