stalker tag ! (abbi)

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hey hi its abbi and i was tagged by belle nd em nd katie so hEY

what are you wearing?

- PJ bottoms and my 1d wwa shirt and my brothers massive hoodie aye

have you been in love?

- chicken nuggets

whats your height?

- five foot three anD A HALF

whats your weight?

- 8st so 112lbs?¿ wanna get down to 100 but exercise hates me I cry

have you ever been heartbroken?

- no

have any tattoos?

- the mother would kill me

fav tv show(s)

- oH GOD OMG ok I'm watching the fosters like rn but my other faves are pll, friends, the big bang theory, oitnb, gossip girl, skins, orphan black, the walking dead and how I met your mother (too maNY)

something/someone you miss?


fav song?

- sugar, we're goin' down by fob

zodiac sign?

- aries so basically I'm angry and want to kill everyone tru

fav colour(s)

- I like pastel colours and black idk

ever been in a physical fight?

- does my older brother count

play any instruments?

- I can play hot cross buns on the flute idk

last time you cried?

- tuesday

something you love doing but bad at?

- drawing and writing

i tag everyone in the cult who hasnt done this yet :---)

- abs

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