relationship irl

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i'm probably the only person here that keeps on talking about love and relationships. but it's okay, i can be the love guru or some shit like that. hey! why not?

i've had a few (six) relationships before this one and LET ME TELL YOU. IT'S A LOT OF WORK!!!! like pre-relationship all you care about is how fast you're gonna eat that extra large pizza and in a relationship you need to make sure you eat it fASTER than your significant other.

and leMME TELL YOU, relationships don't work the way they work in books and fanfictions. no ladies he ain't gonna be throwing rocks at your window at midnight and sing you your favorite song. nOPE!! that only happens in books. and he ain't gonna be chasing you into the street when you storm out of his house and he'll finally realize he loves you when you're in a fucking coma and you'll miraculously wake up when he says those three words. that only happens in books. HE AIN'T GONNA KISS YOU LIKE YOUR LIPS WERE AIR AND HE COULDN't BREATHE.

oh, he'll kiss you. he'll kiss the hell out of you and all you can feel are his eyelashes fluttering against your cheeks, your lips will feel numb because of all the feelings. no, fireworks won't explode in your stomach but you'll feel.... something else. something rather indescribable. something different, you'll hate the sensation for a few seconds but you'll love it the seconds after.


but when he kisses your cheeks and holds your hand and sniffs your hair and kisses your forehead, you'll think if he's doing it out of love or out of lust. you never know his true intentions.

relationships aren't like the movies where he kisses you in the rain and promises you he won't leave. he'll kiss you in between the sheets at 3 am muttering incoherent words that equals to i love you in his language but his mouth will smell like cigarettes and alcohol. he promises you that he won't leave but when you go out to get some fresh air he'll shut the door and lock you out.

you'll lose about 6 of your friends when you fall in love and when you realize you need them (after he left) they'd already left you.

thunder bolts won't run up your arm when he holds you hand (LMAO I WAS A BIT DISAPPOINTED) but your heart will skip a beat and your cheeks will blush. he won't read your favorite books. he won't listen to the same band as you do. he won't know what the hell coachella is and he won't give you a long ass paragraph as to why you're beautiful.

but believe me, if he's right, he'll love you more than he loves himself. he'll sacrifice things to make you happy. he'll cancel his plans with his friends to spend some time with you. he'll sit with you through 2 hours of tfios and even though he walks out in the middle of it all, he'll kiss your forehead and tells you he loves you. and when you're about to leave him, he'll beg and beg for you to stay because he doesn't want to spend one day knowing that you're not his.

he's imperfect and so are you. you two make mistakes. but you need to be sure that your relationship isn't one.

relatIONSHIPS IN REAL LIFE ARe messY. you two will fight, say i love you, have a happy period and the cycle continues.

so, don't get your hopes up and think that
relationships are the ones portrayed in books/ fan-fictions/ movies/ tv shows because you'll get disappointed.

luv, ayu x.

and if you need any advices you can comment down below and i'll be sure to reply!!

(this turned to be longer than i expected it to be.)

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