belle here
the other day i literally had nothing to and i was just curious about this acacia girl i keep seeing everywhere. so like i went on google, searched her and found her story and stuff.
i dont like her that much but i dont hate her either???? get my point?????
apparently she had nudes at the age of thirteen. oh god pls when i was thirteen i still covered my eyes when there was like an explicit scene. and she didnt even had boobs lol she just wore push up bras to make em look bigger. some people even teased her for the mole on one boob. i'M LAUGHING ALREADY
then she goes on cutting her hair and dying it occasionally. then got long ass extensions to make it look longer. and now she removes the extensions i think and just stick with her hair or cut it again???
and she was in this girl band but now shes in a band called watercolour?? dear lord shes not even good at singing can she pls just stop
i watched this video on youtube and it was her singing girls by the 1975
seeing that i'm a fan of the 1975, i decided to give it a go and listen to i
she was literally trying hard to have this accent which annoyed me a little. excuse me only matty cn do that sex god accent of his. and she had this nasal kind of voice
aND PEOPLE WERE THROWING STUFF AT HER this was the moment that i really started laughing. everyone was like throwing at her and she was like dodging it and kept on singing
tbh i dont find her that pretty?????
like ya shes kinda pretty but there are other girls out there who are prettier than her. i'm sorry but i do have a high standard on looks and she just doesnt catch my attention.
i also dislike the fact that some poeple wORSHIP HER. pls the only stuff she does is take selfies, trying hard to look punk rock and be v annoying.
i just dont see the reason why people look up to her okay like obviously she didnt do anything to be this famous. shes already rich and gotten more money from the attention she was having.
but then, people send her hate and death threats. now that is v v wrong people of social networking sites. sure, she had done bad things in her past bUT PAST IS PAST OKAY i can see her changing herself for the better but all of u little shits keep on hating her.
pls u think u know her that well???? think again bc u dont okay. this goes to every celebrity out there.
dont hate on someone u barely know. u might know some things about them but thats not enough for you to tell her to kill herself
so this is my opinion on the internet famous acacia brinley k no hate