The Eavesdropping

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Kawaki lay in his bed that night, thinking about what had happened. He was sure he hadn't stolen any eyes. And he was sure he wasn't related to any Uchihas. He pondered this.

Naruto had talked to them earlier about Kawaki. He seemed to be nervous throughout the entire time. He eventually said that maybe Sarada saw it wrong, and that Kawaki had some sort of vein burst, causing his eyes to bleed and be red.

Kawaki knew that wasn't it.

He heard shuffling outside. He recongnized Naruto's shoes from under the door. He heard the front door open. He tiptoed outside, following Naruto to the Hokage building.


Once in his office, Kawaki hid in the hallway. He heard Shikamaru's voice.

"What happened, Naruto?" Shikamaru asked.

"K-Kawaki unlocked sharingan."



"Does Sasuke know?"

"The hell does Sasuke know!? Of course not!"

"He should!"

"On second thought, Sarada probably told him, oh shit!"

"You can't keep him a secret forever Naruto."

"I know! Just- Sasuke wouldn't take it well, and and Kawaki wouldn't believe me-"

"You know that Uchiha has been hurting over you for years, Naruto."

"I know, but it would ruin my reputation!"

What the hell were they talking about? Kawaki leaned in closer.

"He's your SON, Naruto!"

"I know! That's why I decide if I tell him or not!"

"But He's Sasuke's son, too!"

"But hell he doesn't know that!"

Kawaki almost gasped. Son? Biological son? Sasuke? What did Sasuke have to do with this?

"You didn't tell Sasuke about your pregnancy!?"

"Hell no!"

"And you just gave up Kawaki to the orphanage?"

"T-the elders were threatening that I had to have a wife, not a husband, Shikamaru!"

"Do you even love Hinata at all?"

"Of course not! But what can I do?"

Kawaki walked out from the hallway. He didn't know why. His body just moved. Naruto saw him, and his tears shone on his whiskered face. Shikamaru  bowed his head, stepping back.

"Kawaki, how much did you hear?" Naruto said. Kawaki shrugged.

"A-all of it." Kawaki admitted. "But what does it mean?"

Naruto sighed. "Sit down, Kawaki."


Naruto began his story.

"A long time ago, 16 years to be exact, me and Sasuke dated. Because of the nine-tails that lives inside me, I got pregnant. Before I told Sasuke, he left Konoha for a second time. I still don't know why. I carried and had my baby in secret. If anyone knew, my chances at being Hokage would just dim. I gave my baby to the orphanage, having no other option. I quickly found a wife and had kids, and I think you know the rest of the story."

Kawaki sat for a minute. "T-that baby.... Was me?"

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