The Visit

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Kawaki knocked on the Uchiha's door. He heard footsteps from inside, and stepped back. A very bitchy-looking Sakura opened it.

"Hello Mrs. Uchiha," Kawaki said. 

"Hi Kawaki! How can I help you?" she asked. Nicely?

"I-I need to speak with Sasuke. Is he home?"

Sakura nodded, smiling. "He's upstairs in his study. Go on up."

Kawaki thanked the pinkette, and walked upstairs. He was surprised at how fancy-looking the house was. Nicer than the hoakge's house? That didn't seem right.

"Come in," Sasuke said when he heard a knock on his study door. Kawaki walked in, his heart beating out of his chest.

"Hello Mr. Uchiha," Kawaki said, walking in. Sasuke smiled slightly.

"Uh yes, Kawaki? What do you want?" Sasuke asked. Kawaki was startled by his rudeness.

"Uh- I have some questions. A-about Naruto?"

Sasuke immediately perked up. 

"Naruto? What about him?"

Kawaki sat down across from Sasuke, shivering slightly. It was freezing in here.

"Well, uh- I heard that you two used to date?"

Sasuke gave Kawaki a death glare. "How the hell do you know that?"

Kawaki gulped. "I-I- uhmmm..."

Sasuke took a deep breath. "Go on."

"A-and I has a few questions about why you disappeared, and if you knew about some things?"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Such as?"

"Well, to start, why did you leave the village for the second time?"

"It was necessary. I was sent on a mission a ways away and I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about it. It took a lot longer than I expected, though."

"O-ok. Did you and Naruto break up, before you left?"

"No, that was afterwards. We weren't excepted by the village, and Naruto's dreams got in the way of us. I was also frowned upon, so we decided that it wasn't a good decision to be a couple."

"That makes more sense."

"More sense than what?"

"N-nothing. Anyways, did you notice anything about Naruto after you came back?"

"Well, I did notice that he was a lot more secretive. He also seemed to be less talkative, and kind of depressed. It seemed like he had lost something close to him."

"Did he tell you about it at anytime?"

"Well, no, not really. I did hear him mumble something about making the wrong decision, or something."

"Hmm... has Naruto ever told you about any kinds of abilities that he has?"

"Well, I know that he is the nine-tails jinchuriki. The kyuubi allows him to have very good battle skills and chakra control."

"Anything... not chakra-related?"

"Hm.... I think he had some kind of thing with his organs? I'm not sure."

"Okay... uhmmm..... Do you think he's happy with Hinata? And are you happy with Sakura?"

"As much as it pains me, Naruto and Hinata seem very happy together. The way Naruto looks at her. It- hurts. And, I'm really not sure how I feel about Sakura. I feel like our marriage was a rash decision. I'm also like 99% sure that I'm gay. Either way, it can't change now."

Kawaki was shocked at his response. He said that... he thought that Naruto and Hinata were happy? Naruto had admitted the night before that he didn't love her! It was killing Kawaki to not come right out and tell Sasuke.

"Sasuke, how many kids does Naruto have?"

"2, why?" Sasuke asked, confused. That was a random question.

"You really don't know then. Goodbye, dad."

"Bye Kawaki," Sasuke said, as Kawaki walked out. Wait. Did he just say....?

"WAIT!" Sasuke yelled. Kawaki perked his head in the doorway.



"I didn't stutter."


Sasuke paced around the room. Kawaki had left an hour ago, and Sasuke was still trying to put it all together.

He had only ever had a child with Sakura. And only ever had sex with Sakura. Oh fuck. And Naruto. Could Naruto have children? Oh fuckity fuck. The Kyuubi. That's what Kawaki was taking about!

Wait... Kawaki was his and Naruto's son?

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