The Affect

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"What the fuck are we gonna do?" Naruto groaned. Sasuke sighed, kissing the blonde on the cheek.

"W-we'll have to tell Hinata and Sakura at some point. We're not giving up this baby to the orphanage," Sasuke said, hugging Naruto.

"That'll go well. Boruto already wants me dead for cheating. Imagine him finding out we're getting a divorce," Naruto said, jokingly. But it didn't seem like a joke. Tears rolled down the Uzumaki's cheeks. "Damn mood swings."

Sasuke held his dobe tighter. "How about this. We will tell Hinata and Sakura everything, and then we'll file for divorce. We can buy our own little house, and let all the kids decide who they want to stay with, hmm?"

Naruto sighed. "That'll be messy. Hima and Kawaki will come, but Boruto would definetly stay with Hinata."

"Why is that kid so problematic?"

"I don't know, Teme."

The men stood like that for a second, when Naruto started to fully register the facts. He was pregnant. He was doing this again? The mood swings, morning sickness, nausea, restricted foods,no alcohol? Why was he doing it again?

"Naru~?" Sasuke asked, a dark tone in his voice.


"You know, you don't have to have this child. Abortion is always an option if you want. I won't be mad at you. We can still divorce and do the plan-" Sasuke was rambling, trying to make sure his blonde was all in. Said blonde hushed the raven, smiling.

"Of course I want the baby. Thank you for being considerate, though."


Hinata and Sakura sat at the table across from Naruto and Sasuke, stunned. They had just admitted to having Kawaki, cheating, and Naruto being pregnant!

"N-Naruto-kun?" Hinata cried. Sakura wasn't even surprised.

"I'm very sorry, Hinata, but- I love Sasuke. I'm sure you can understand."

Hinata nodded, choking back tears. "I-I'm very happy for you both. Congratulations."

Sakura scoffed. "Cheater," he mumbled. Louder, she said, "So, Sasuke? Need me to sign the divorce papers?"

Sasuke nodded. "Yes."


"Kids, we have very important news," Sasuke announced. All the Uzumaki and Uchiha we're here. Hinata Sakura, and Naruto stood with Sasuke in front of the four kids.

"What is it?" Kawaki asked. Sarada added a "Yeah!".

"Well," Naruto sighed, holding Sasuke's hand. "Me and Hinata and Sasuke and Sakura are getting divorced."

Boruto's face turned to anger. Kawaki was pleased, and Sarada was too. She was tired of hearing her parents fight. Himawari was happy, too. 

"Why!?" Boruto yelled. Sasuke smiled.

"Great question. You see-"

And so Sasuke told them the story of how Kawaki was born. And about Naruto's pregnancy. They noticed that Naruto had his arms around his stomach, and was smiling warmly.

"A new sister!" Himawari giggled. Boruto gave her a dirty look.

"How do you know it's a girl?" Sarada asked. Himawari shrugged.

"I'm her big sister! I just know!"

Sakura took a deep breath.

"The real question is: who do you all want to stay with?"

"I'm staying with mom," Boruto said. Himawari grabbed Boruto's hand.

"Me too!" the small girl yelled. This shocked everyone. 

"I'll go with my dads," Kawaki sighed. Everyone looked to Sarada.

"I-I don't want mom to be alone! I'll go with her!"

And so they all went their separate ways.


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