The Suspect

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Sarada stared at her parents from across the dinner table. Her dad seemed nervous. She had been noticing that he's been acting weird the past few days.

Sasuke sipped his coffee, getting tired of the bitter taste. He pulled on his cloak, covering his missing arm, and kissed Sakura and Sarada on the head.

"I'm off," he said, walking to the door.

"Where? You have a mission or something?" Sakura asked. Sasuke sighed annoyedly.

"Uh- yeah- special meeting at the Hokage office, actually."

Sarada ate the last of her cereal as Sasuke walked out. She stood up to clean her dishes, catching a suspicious look from her mother.

"Has he been acting weird to you?" Sakura asked. Sarada shrugged, scrubbing her bowl before placing it in the dishwasher.

"Not very. Isn't he always rather... distant?"

Sakura drank her tea worriedly, tapping her foot on the ground. Something wasn't right here. She tried to think of what it was. She couldn't put her finger on it.

"I'm off, too! I have a mission with my team today, I think. Sensei said he would try and get us a harder one for today. Last time it was just volunteer work. Anyways, bye mom! Love you!" Sarada chirped, running out the door. After a second, she ran back to the house.

"Sorry, forgot my shoes!" she giggled, pulling on her sandals. Sakura chuckled as Sarada ran, waving, to her meeting spot.

Sakura walked to the closet to get her shoes and bag, and headed off to work at the hospital.

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