~3~ Bandages

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Hey everyone i got busy this week because LiFe-

I had my maths finals and suprisingly passed.
Also it's 4am so i'm tired my writing could and would be shit rn.

TW: description of being beaten, blood, bandages, mention of broken bones, mention of eating disorder, panic attack

Lots of angst friends :D

Tommy's POV:

(This happens 10 minutes before Ranboo and Tubbo show up)

I walked out of the bathroom with my head down, and headed towards the playground. It wasn't actually that playgroundy, it was more of a battle field for bullies to beat up helpless kids.

Helpless kids like me. Lost in thought, I bumped into someone. That someone was Dan the school bully.

I gasped and gailed at hiding my terror. Had I been bigger or more athletic, I might have been able to take him. However I wasn't, and Dan lifted me into the air by my hood as easily as if I weighed as much as a backpack.

He started by slamming across the floor and delivering some starter punches to my face and torso.

As soon as he was done with that, he picked me up ultra easily and repeatedly slammed me face forst into the floor until my nose felt broken and my whole body ached.

Blood was running down my face by now, staining the cement floor of the playground red.

He gave me a second to breathe, relishing the look of pain on my face and the crowd that had gathered to watch my ass get whooped.

I got up anf tried to get myself into a fighting stance, but I think it might be too late for that. I had trouble staying upright and wouldn't last a minute if I acted rebellious and tried to fight.

So instead Dan just grabbed me by the sctuff of the neck and walked towards the tree. I knew he was going to throw me at it, and definitely didn't want that.

But I had no choice but to let him or suffer more.

Until I saw Ranboo and Tubbo's faces in the crowd of gaping kids.

Tubbo was heartbroken, I felt bad for making them worry. But Ranboo looked... pissed. That was never a good sign. As Dan flexed his muscles at his girlfriend, preparing to yeet me, I suddenly heard a shout.

''NO!'' I looked up having previously hung my head, and saw Ranboo walking towards us. Dan immediately dropped me, happy to havr a new punching bag he could have fun with.

But Ranboo was having none of that. He jumped out of the way just as Dan tried to grab him, then slid behind him and swiftly puched him forwards, making him lose balance.

As Dan rounded on him getting ready to punch his face in, he jumped high into the air and landed on Dan's back. The latter immediately shook his back like an infuriated rhinoceros, and Ranboo jumped off him after a while.

By now his strategy was obvious. He meant to tire Dan out until he could actually fight.

But turns out I was wrong about him waiting, because Ranboo spun in a circle twice around Dan, and then applied his fingers to a pressure point on his neck. Dan stumbled and fell back, and Ranboo rounded up on him.

''Next time you attack my friends, don't expect the quiet kid to go easy on you. Now, fuck off you slimy bastard.''

I gasped at the swears. Ranboo never swore unless he was really pissed.

He turned to me, his previously infuriated eyes softening up as he met my pained ones.

''Oh god tommy come on let's get you home.''

So we ended up skipping the last few periods and going straight to the orphanage. Tthe caretaker never actually cared about us going to school, so when we walked in he dimply said

''Since when do you three skip school? Oh jesus Tomathy go get cleaned up. I need to wash your hoodie now, shit.''

He ended up rsmbling to himself as Tubbo, Ranboo and I walked up the staurs to the bathroom.

They both helped bandage me up, as I'm pretty sure my nose was broken. As Tubbo finished wrapping my wrist, he looked at me and sighed. He squeezed my hand and glsnced at Ranboo who was fidgeting with the hem of his hoodie.

I noticed a white edge peeking out of the sleeve. I was about to laugh at him wearing bracelets until I realized it was actually a bandage.

Wait, bandage? On the wrist? Ranboo wouldn't do what I'm thinking about. No he'd talk to Tubbo he's a sensible kid he wouldn't.

Yea, he wouldn't.

Jesus done omg my fingers are ded.

I have a quick question. How come some books on wattpad get so many comments others no? I mean, I get it when my book was still at like 81 reads or smth j didn't expect comments, but it's nearly at 1.5k so WHERE ARE THE FUNNY COMMENTS? Reading them makes my day amd I'll try to reply to them all

So give that follow button a lil bloop, comment on the stories and vote for them.
Ignore that i'm just rambling. The choice is yours but do know that I really appreciate it.

Also as a bonus you get a pic of my kitten if wattpad cooperates.

He was eating my plushie grooming it.

Anyways, drink water and stay healthy, sleep well and take your meds, and remember you're loved and beautiful, have a cookie 🍪❤

I'll see you all next chapter byeeee ✌

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