~8~ He Found Out

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ok so it took longer than i expected, idek what else to write but let's go anyway :)

so, let's pretend it's been 3 months since Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo got fostered, that they are seriously considering getting adopted and becoming a legal part of the family, and yea

idk 😭💀

TW: Mention of ED, major SH implications, graphic descriptions of being beaten, bandages, mention of tics (idk if that's a trigger but just in case)

Ranboo's POV:

I wake up to Techno banging on our door.

''Get up, Phil made pancakes and I have a test today, so we need to be fast.'' He spoke, his deep voice resonating through the oak door.

''Ugh... Comingggg...'' Tubbo said, groaning as the bones in his back popped and cracked.

Tommy bounded out of bed, seeming excited. We had finally dealt with that eating disorder, and he was eating and taking care of himself normally again. Wilbur helped a lot since he had been through it too, apparently.

I get out of bed, my own bones popping, and dtretch.

Another day... :)

We all go downstairs, seeing Phil putting pancakes on a big platter, Wilbur humming a tune while filling our cups with orange juice, and Techno on his phone, scrolling, papers scattered all around him and seeming a bit stressed.

''What kind of test is Techno doing?'' Tommy asks, helping himself to three pancakes.

''Physics and Chemistry, and he's pretty bad at it, so.'' Wil said, smirking at Techno's annoyed look.

''I am not, I just think it's little bit too early for tests...'' He mumbled, shooting his brother a glare.

I smiled, and took some food. After eating, we go to the van, and Phil drops us all off at school. We go to the same school, and there aren't any bullies since we transferred.

We arrive, and all go to our respective classes.

Wilbur immediately spots Sally, and his look turns sour. I know they recently broke up, as Sally went to another guy called Jared (yes y'all are getting a your new boyfriemd scene, dwdw)

Tommy looks at the female, and goes ''whooop'' under his breath, earning a shove from Tubbo.

We walked to our class, and sat down at our usual spots.

Science, being a boring bitch, taught me nothing, as per usual.

After the class ended, I speed-packed my things so I could leave ASAP, because I'm hungry, and I want my sandwich.

''Fuck, Tubbo you did it again why'd you pack me that kind of cheese, you know I hate it...'' Tommy groaned at his sanwich.

''Well you cam't always have chocolate spread, be healthy for a bit.'' Tubbo snapped back.

''NEVERRRRRR'' Tommy yelled, grabbing Tubbo's honey sandwich and running away. I smiled, watching Tubbo chase the blonde boy, screeching.

''Ey, you, wos' yo' name?'' I heard a voice growl behind me.

''It's Ranboo. Who are you and what do you want?'' I asked, trying to keep my voice level. The boy was big, muscly, and why not admit it? Scary.

''Well, my name's Jeff. You bettah learn it if you wonna stay alive.'' He growled. (apologies if your name is Jeff.)

What does that weirdo want from me geez...

''Ey, why yo' starin' into thin space? Zoning out, freak?''

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