~2~ School Sucks

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Hello everyone
I'm bored and decided to write because why not-

I'm trying to convince my parents to let me record youtube videos but idk how to bring it up properly and guarantee a good reaction-

Anyways let's start

TW: bullying, being beaten up, blood, mention of eating disorder, self deprecating thoughts.

Ranboo's POV:

After breakfast, Tommy, who hadn't eaten much, was talking in hushed tones to Tubbo who seemed to be telling him to shut up.

I didn't want to eavesdrop, so I picked up my bag and headed towards the door, looking back to check if they had gotten the idea.

They had, nd soon we were all on the sidewalk jogging to school. Tommy saw a raccoon in atrash can and immediately asked me if he could keep it.

I sighed and didn't answer, instead, I gave him a little push in the back. I could feel his ribs and shoulder blades sharp against my palms, and I resolved to help him through his eating disorder already.

As we neared the school, I saw the bus coming in to the parking full steam, and a bunch of kids pressing their noses against the windows, making silly faces and sticking out their tongued.

There were also the kids who were driven to school by their parents in expensive cars to show off how rich they were. Those brats really annoyed me, because they would always look down upon the poorer kids.

When we walked into the classroom, I took my usual place at the back since I was among the tallest kids.

Tommy sat next to me, and Tubbo right infront.

Maths class started, and I tried to pay attention, but I couldn't stop thinking about myself. Not in an arrogant way, more of a self deprecating one.

I should be here more for Tommy. He needs me. Tubbo probably does too, even though he tries to act like he's fine, I know people hide things and he might be.

And Michael- I had only known him for a bit before he was whipped away to a foster house. I mean, I'm happy for him and everything, and of course people wanted him and not the older kids, he's a five year old with pink hair and a pink face.

Anyone would want him.

I snapped out of my daydreams as Tubbo poked me repeatedly in the stomach.

''Huh?'' I lifted my head and looked around. Everyone had left the classroom and Tubbo was staring at me.

''You okay Ranboo? You zoned out the whole lesson...''

I quickly nodded and packed up my things.

As we went out to break, Tommy excused himself to go to the bathroom. He hadn't eaten anything lately so I knew he wasn't going to... do anything. He probably just needed to use the bathroom.

I'm being too paranoid maybe I should sit and breathe for a minute-

Tommy still hadn't shown up 10 minutes later, so I assumed he got help up by something. Until we walked nearer to the bench where we always sat.

It was usually a beautiful little bench, painted red, yellow and purple by the preschoolers who thought the middle school playground looked too depressing. Next to it was a tree with hanging green leaves and a few cherry blossoms.

But today, I saw a crowd around the bench. They seemed to be cheering, repeatedly yelling things like ''Get him, Dan!'' And ''Go Go Go!"

That can't be good... someone must have upset the school bully Dan somehow and was now paying the price for it. We edged nearer pushing our way through the crowd, until we were met with a horrible sight.

Dan was towering over a cowering boy in a yellow hoodie (i can't remember what color I made Tommy's hoodie last chapter help-)
Who was trying to fight back, but failing as he was barely standing up.

That boy was Tommy, a Tommy with a bloody nose, scraped knees and palms, and shaking all over.

I stared in horror as Dan grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, and prepared himself to yeet Tommy against the tree.

I can't bear to see Tommy helpless. I had to help.


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