~7~ Presents and Bonding

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Tubbo's POV:

It's currently 8AM and there's no school today, so I relax in bed for a bit before poking my head out of the bunk.

''Psst, Tommy? Boo? You awake yet?''

I get a sleepy mumble from Tommy and Ranboo simply answers ''Yes'', sounding exhausted for whatever reason.

As we climb out of bed, I notice Ranboos holding his arms at strange angles, like it hurt for them to touch anything. Also, he had huge ass eyebags, that I know for a fact have existed for a while, but they seem to have reached a terribly unhealthy peak.

''Did you sleep at all, Ranboo? You look terrible.'' Tommg comments, voicing my current thoughts.

Boo just nodded, staring into space, zoning out even though we're in the middle of a conversation.

Why are my brothers acting like this... I can't lose them!

After we dress, we decide to head downstairs and see if anyone is awake yet.

Techno was sitting at the kitchen counter, staring at the fridge, seemingly lost in thought.

I hesitate for a bit before sitting at the table, Tommy and Ranboo following suit.

A car zoomed past outside.

Techno's head snapped as he turned around, staring at the window before noticing us.

He seemed a bit surprised, but nodded at us, and he opened his mouth to speak.

''...-'' He made a small grunting noise as his voice was completely refusing to cooperate with him.

He stared at us as though daring us to laugh, then tried again.

''If you want breakfast, help yourself to anything. Phil went to the store for somethin' and Will is still sleeping.'' He said, his voice slightly hoarse.

I wonder if he uses it much, maybe he's actually quiet, and is opening up to us? I stil have no idea what Ranboo did with him on the roof the other day, but I hope they got closer. (not like that you weird ass TechnoxRanboo shippers ;-;)

I like Wilbur a lot, and Ranboo seems to gravitate towards Techno naturally, and Tommy is attached to Phil. I think it's got to do with the fact that Philza looks like Tommy's actual dad.

''Hey guys, what's up??'' A cheery voice said as I heard footsteps approaching.

Sure enough, Wilbur was standing right there, waving and smiling at us. I smiled back and he looked delighted, before going to the fridge and opening it.

''wE aRe OuT oF sALmON!'' He gasped dramatically, as he put his hand to his chest, closing his eyes as though offended.

Talk about theatre kid.

Techno rolled his eyes and got up, striding past us without looking at me, but he did catch Ranboo's glance. The pinkette's eye twitched a little as it made contact with the monochrome haired boy's own, and Ranboo smiled a bit.

''Do you want food, guys?'' Will asked, walking towards us with a cereal bowl in his hands. ''You guys can help yourselves to anything, but don't fuck up the fridge. Phil is attached.'' He added, smirking slightly.


I got up and opened a cabinet, exploring the inside.


I immediately open the fridge and get some bread, making myself a honey sandwich. I know Ranboo can make his own food, plus he's zoned out again, and probably won't respond if i talk to him.

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