~9~ I Can Help

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Guys, again, fluffy chapter with Techno and Boo Man, I DON'T FUCKING SHIP THEM, so please stop complaining in my dms 😭

The words ''He touched me'' just highlight the fact that Techno trusts Ranboo enough to do physical contact, not romantic in any fucking way. Do i make myself clear? If you have any doubts, don't read, but i'm tired of the whole ''Technoboo'' and someone even requested a philza x fridge smut like pls 😭😭😭

anyway on with the chapter 💀

TW: Major SH, scars, tics, medicine, attenpted suicide, flashbacks, mention of panic attack, Michael.

Angsty :D

Ranboo's POV:

On the roof with Techno, I'm met with a saddened pair of eyes.

The pinkette is looking at me, seemingly waiting for me to speak, so I say the only thing I can manage.

''Uh...'' Not the best, but he seems to understand. I look down and rub the back of my neck, which is growing too hot for my taste, and look back into Techno's eyes.

''Ranboo... why?'' That one sentence asks a million questions, most of which will remain unanswered. My heart starts to beat faster, but I take a deep breath.

Now's not the time for a panic attack. Not when I already look so pathetically weak.

''I- I'm sorry. It's just-'' My voice cracks. Fuck, he must think I'm even weaker now.

Until he gently puts his hand on my chin.

He's actually touching me. I've never seen Techno initiate any kind of physical contact.

''Ranboo, look at me. No, look at me.''

I stare at him.

''It's okay to not be okay.''

Those 6 words bring back so mamy memories.

Tubbo's determination at making sure everyone in our trio is okay.

Tommy's constant support even though he went through hell and back too.

And Michael- I, oh God... Michael-

There must have been tears in my eyes, because not only was my vision blurry but Techno was also gently wiping the tears away with his scarred thumb.

He takes my hand, more bracing himself then me, and takes a deep breath.

I'm wondering what he's going to do, what he's preparing for, when I'm caught off guard by him rolling up his white hoodie sleeve.

Dozens, hundreds maybe, of scars, some looking quite fresh, litter his arms until his elbow, where his sleeve covers the skin.

They are so straight, uniform, and perfect, that I immediately know. Those were done by him.

''Techno? Why?'' I ask, feeling overwhelmed by emotions.

''Answer my question first, you hypocrite.'' Techno says, smiling sadly at me.

''Well, I don't know. It just... feels good. Relieving. I have some form of control over my pathetic life. Ever since I've been in the orphanage and foster system, basically my whole fucking life, I've always been constantly harassed for things I couldn't help. My weird birthname. My tics. My everything. And no one ever helped until I found Tommy and Tubbo, but still it hurts, and the more it hurts, the more I do.''

The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. It's like years of sadness and hurt finally left the bottle where I'd been hiding them.

Afraid that he was annoyed at my rant, I examine his face, but he's just tearing up again.

''I- I had a fucked up life too. My whole childhood, until Phil adopted us when we were like 10, I was always treated like shit. Since my real father abused and fucking hated me, I had permanent scars since I was a toddler. No one wanted a kid as messed up as me. I boy with pink hair didn't appeal to sexist people. A boy with a bad past and a worse sulkiness wasn't welcomed in most homes. A boy who had fucking tried to kill himself at 7 years, wasn't appreciated. No, i was pitied or neglected, until Phil got me. Us. Wilbur had it easy, living with the charm of his smile and winning attitude. I never did.''

I'm full on crying now, and so is Techno. He looks angry, sad and so fucking scared, mentally and physically scarred. The two of us are.

''I'm glad you told me, broth- I mean Ranboo.'' Techno said.

Did he just call me brother?

''I'm glad you told me too, Techno.'' I choose not to mention that slip-up. It doesn't matter anyway.

''Let's head to bed, yeah, Boo?'' He asked, holding his hand out to me.

''I mean, I don't really sleep, but... sure?'' I give an awkward chuckle.

Instead of going back to our rooms, Techno moves more across the roof.

His feet swift and silent, his hands just as efficient, he opens a window that I haven't been through before.

Wilbur's room.

He climbs in and gives me his hand. Grateful, i take it.

We walk through the empty room and I hear strumming from the next one, which probably means the brunette is playing the guitar in there.

We go up the stairs and enter Techno's room.

It's a nice cozy little attic room. There's a bed with red sheets and the pig plush Phil bought him the other day, a desk with a lot of paper on it, a small couch with a bookshelf next to it, full of huge dictionary-like novels.

The Art Of War  catches my eye.

There's a small bathroom in the attic, I have no idea how it fits but it does.

A neat sink and toilet with a shower instead of a tub, and a lot of pill bottles.

''Here, Boo, come on.'' he says.

I gasp. He's in bed, and holding the covers up for me. He wants me with him!

''Oh, really?'' He nods at me, smiling.

I get in and am surprised by how warm it is. Techno's hands are always cold, so I assumed I'd be freezing next to him, but I'm not.

In fact, I feel... safe.


The word feels unfamiliar in my head.

But I like it.

I somehow fall asleep, cuddled up to Techno who had his arms protectively around me.

He's also got his eyes closed, and is breathing softly, so quietly no one but whoever is with him in the room can hear.

And that lucky whoever is me.

Hope u enjoyed peeps, remember to drop a vote and follow if u enjoyed :)

remember, take care of yourselves, becsuse if no one cares, I do and always will.

I love you all even if i don't know you personally, and I don't want to see you hurting.

I'm always available, dms open.

Ly all :) stay safe!

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