~5~ The bois

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Tw: tic attack, mention of ED, anxiety, mention of car crash, overall angst.

Okay I'm annoyed, i just got out of a tic attack and I'm in pain ;-;

For all of you unfortunate souls who tic, you know how painful those are.

If you're lucky and never experienced anything like that, basically you start uncontrollably twitching and jerking and cracking your bones, for me it's specially my fingers, legs and neck.

So I sat in my room for fifteen fucking minutes, twitching my ass off and having a cussing fit.

Yeah not the best day for me.

Anyways, let's get into this, lmk if I missed any tw, I did my best TvT

Tommy's POV:

In Phil's car, we all sat in the back. He had lots of room in the van-like vehicle.

I immediately plugged my headphones in, and played the chillest playlist I could remember owning.

The car was actually pretty smooth, and Phil was a good driver. As I had lost both my parents to a car crash, i wasn't that fond of them, and I could feel my anxiety levels rising.

Tubbo grabbed my hand and put it on his chest, and started exaggerating his breathing, making it extra slow and calm.

I smiled appreciatively and a little sadly at him, he squeezed my hand until the car jerked to a stop.

''We're here, boys!'' Phil said, glancing back.

We got out of the car and my mouth dropped open. This was actually a really nice house! It was big, three floors plus and attic I think, and it was painted a pleasant mix of yellow, pink and blue.

The front yard was strewn with flowers and a huge gnarled apple tree was towering above our heads, throwing everything into light shadows, sunshine streaming through the leaves and dancing on the grassy lawn.

''There's a small backyard with crops, my youngest son Techno likes planting a lot.'' Phil spoke up, making me tear my eyes away from the mansion-like house.

He unlocked the door, and stepped into the threshold. Motioning us inside, he called up the stairs. ''BOYS! COME DOWN FOR A BIT!''

Ranboo flinched at the yell, and Phil noticed and immediately apologized.

Thundering footsteps grew louder and louder until a tall teen with curly brown hair, a beanie, a yellow sweater and brown pants appeared, panting a little, at the foot of the stairs.

He noticed us and waved in a friendly way.

''Hey! Are you the new kids Dadza said he'd foster?''

We nod, taken by surprise by his confidence.

Phil smiles, and the boy continues.

''I'm Wilbur, but you can call me Will! I'm 16 and I love music!''

A younger looking boy appeared at the foot of the stairs again. Wilbur's loud voice had drowned out the sound of his steps.

The boy had pink hair that went down to his waist, he wore glasses and a white hoodie, along with black pants and a golden trinket pinned to his left sleeve.

He nods at us, and walks closer to Wilbur.

''This is my brother Technoblade! You can call him Techno though, he's a year younger than me.'' Wilbur said, compensating for his brother's silence by adding: ''I'm sure you'll have a great time here, Dadza is epic!''

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