~11~ The Dream Team

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I feel bad I haven't updated in like a week; like I said I've been pretty sick, and screens make my eyes and head hurt.

I'm better now, thankfully, but I've still got a REALLY nasty cough. I cough once and then I can't breathe for like 5 minutes while I wheeze and cough.

Yeah, not the most fun way to spend a week T^T

So here's an extra ling chapter! Enjoy it you deserve it :3

Tubbo's POV:

Today, Phil said we were going out. Somewhere. He said it's a cool public garden, but it's pretty far so we have to make it worth it.

So we're going to have a picnic, as well as spend the whole day at the park. Phil's been up since 6am with Techno, who doesn't sleep, and they were making sandwiches and stuff to take with us.

Ranboo helped them as soon as he got up, then me and Tommy, so basically we  are all in the kitchen now, busily making sandwiches and packing snacks and whatnot.

Techno looked up from his work, and said:
''Hey, Phil, if we want to leave early we should probably get ready and go.''

I glanced at the clock. He's right, we've been at it for an hour, it's already 8am.

Phil nodded, and returned the cheese to the fridge, wrapped the last sandwich in aluminum foil and washed his hands.

''Boys, you'd better go and change, and pack a bag if you want to take one.''

I rushed upstairs, racing with Tommy and Ranboo. I got there first, and smirked in victory until I got shoved by Ranboo, who climbed ontop of me and playfully pulled my hair. Then we both got tackled by Tommy.

After untangling ourselves from each other, we each pack a small backpack with out phones, earphones, some gum or mints, and something to occupy ourselves. I take a coloring book, Ranboo takes a book called City Of Beasts (It's a good book btw, look it up)
and Tommy just takes a small action figure.

I smile to myself, humming a tune, before going back downstairs, fully dressed in a tie-dyed green-blue-white long sleeved shirt, jeans and sneakers.

Ranboo has his white hoodie with a crown on, he designed it himself and likes it a lot. Tommy has the red and white shirt that Phil bought him a while back.

I slide down the banister like Wilbur does a lot, and find the others waiting at the door.

''All ready?'' Techno asks.

''Yup!'' Tommy replied, popping the P.

We climb into the van, which, by the way, we all painted nicely, it looks way better now, with a small animal doodle for each person.

An orca whale, a crow, a pig, a cat, bee and raccoon.

And the green leaves design that Wilbur's friend Jack did.

''SHOTGUN!'' Will screeches as soon as Phil unlocks the car. We all groan, but comply.

Since the rest of us, meaning Ranboo, Tommy, Techno and I, are all relatively slim, we can fit easily in the back together.

'Tommy's turn for music!'' Phil says, smacking Wilbur's hand away from the bag of toffees, where he was slinking in, attempting to grab one.

We had developed a system for car music. Each time we use the van, we take turns in connecting out phones to the car via bluetooth, and putting music.

Ranboo usually had those piano pieces he's fond of, Phil likes EDM for some reason, Wilbur vibes to any kind of indie music, Techno and Tommy like rock, but not the extreme kind.

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