~6~ Rooftops

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Inspired by me doing parkour and somehow ending up on my building's roof, staring at the sunsets and shit.

Anyways, fluffy chapter here, I'M NOT SHIPPING RANBOO AND TECHNO, FUCK NAH, IT'S P L A T O N I C .


Ranboo's POV:

I crawled up the roof to join Techno. I can see his pink hair flying carelessly behind him and wonder why he didn't tie it.

I sit next to him and we stay quiet for a while, until Techno speaks, surprising me.

''What's your story?''

My story? My sad past? Why do you want to know, Technoblade?

''I guess, a strange one?'' I deadpan.

''Yeah, I figured. What happened in your past? How come you became an orphan? Can you tell me?'' He asks, seemingly interested for whatever reason.

''Well, I don't know about my parents since I never met them, but all I do know is that the orphanage I was first raised in found me at the door when I was 2, and raised me for 7 years until I got moved to the orphanage where I met Tommy and Tubbo.'' I stop a bit, thinking how to continue.

''I- I'm really grateful Phil took us in for the time being. I guess it's been a long time since...'' my voice cracked and a few tears filled my eyes. I tried again. ''Since anyone showed that they cared.''

Techno didn't say anything, only nodded. He's strange but I like him.

I waited for him to say something. He stayed quiet for a while and I did too, afraid to break the silence, hoping he would talk.

''Phil is a great man. He- he found us in a very abusive orphanage. Wilbur always had it easy, he was likeable and co-operative. I would refuse to talk; needless to say, the caretakers, if you can even call them that, didn't like it. I was considered a sort of... juvenile child.'' He said, speaking slowly. I wondered if he had ever told anyone that, let alone the new fostered kid.

Regardless, part of me was glad that he told me.

Suddenly I had the sense to glance at my cheap plastic watch. 22:56 (or 10:56 PM)

''Oh, it's getting pretty late, I should probably go to bed...'' I said, looking up at Techno to see his reaction.

''Oh, sure Ranboo. Nice talk...'' He said, looking at me for like, 3 seconds before looking back at the starry sky.

I climbed back down, more comfortably since I had already done it before, and slid into the bedroom assigned to us.

Tommy was playing Bubble Shooter on his phone, and Tubbo was slowly strumming on a ukelele that I can only assume was lent to him by Wilbur.

I slipped into the bathroom with the bundle of clothes that I call pyjamas, and changed. While doing that I couldn't help but stare at my bare wrists, maimed, scarred and scabbed over from my last... session.

I did this. I did this to myself.... what's wrong with me? Well, I supposed many things are.

Sighing, I reached under the loose floorboard that I discovered earlier that day, and where I had stashed my box of... stuff, and grabbed it.

Opening it, I let my eyes wander over all the different blades, some still slightly bloody, and decided the safest option would be the small pocket knife I had found on the school premises a few years ago.

Don't even ask why there was a knife lying there...

I liked that particular one because it makes thin cuts that hurt but don't bleed a lot, so it's my safest option if I don't want to clean up a lot.

Taking it and starting to slowly slice, I pondered Techno's words. He said he was abused a lot too. Sounds like we had very similar pasts, sad ones too.

After I finished wrapping myself up in bandages and pulling my sleeves down low for safety, I quietly unlocked the door and slipped out.

Tommy was asleep, curled up under his blankets like a little raccoon, and Tubbo was looking fondly at him, like a guardian angel.

I walked over to the middle bunk and climbed in, whispering a goodnight to Tubbo who said: ''wait!''

I looked questioningly at him, and he continued.

''How are you liking the house and Phil so far, Boo?''

I thought about it.

''I like Phil, Wilbur is very bubbly but Techno is my favorite. I like him.'' I said.

''You like Techno? I mean nothing's wrong with him but I'd have thought you'd have another favorite.'' He said, staring into space.

''Well, I like him because he's quiet and reminds me of a younger me somehow. Even though he's older, I can't really explain it.'' I said, somewhat defensively.

''well, we should sleep now. It's late, nearly midnight. Goodnight Boo!'' He said, patting me on the head.

I drifted off into an uncomfortable sleep, tossing a bit.

well that's that for this chapter, I'm proud of how it's turning out even though I don't have much time on my hands, I'm still kinda managing to stay on top of my responsibilities (well no not rlly)

anyways, take care of yourselves, bind safely, eat food and stay hydrated, and also happy new year :)

ily all and be safe <3

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