~10~ Forever Family

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Yoo wassup y'all

i've been working on an animation, and it's taking forever cus i'm using my phone and fingers to draw ;-;

anyway, here's a chapter and there'll be another one out soon :D

Uhh the TW will be:


Tommy's POV:

I wake up to my phone blaring. I sigh and press the button, systematically getting blinded by the bright light in my face.

I groan loud enough to wake Tubbo and Ranboo. Actually, I haven't seen Ranboo at all. I just assumed he was playing Minecraft or maybe on the roof with Techno again.

''Tommy? Fucking hell why'd you put your alarm on max volume?'' Tubbo's sleep slurred voice muffled by a pillow was heard.

''Sorry I just didn't think it would be that loud.''

''Boo? Boo! RANBOOOOOO-'' I screech, wanting him to wake up.

''Tommy shhh what the fuck!'' Tubbo smacked me upside the head with his bee pillow.

''Okay okay, chill!''

I drag myself out of bed.

Ranboo's not in his. Maybe he already went downstairs?

After brushing my teeth and getting dressed, I lgo downstairs, Tubbo following close behind me.

''Hey, Tommy! How did you sleep?'' Phil smiled at me. He looked excited for something.

''I slept good, what about you?'' I asked, smiling back. I fucking love Philza.

''Good. Anyway, where's Ranboo? And Techno?'' He asks.

''I was hoping you'd know, Phil.'' Tubbo said, frowning a bit.

''Well, maybe Techno's in his room. We can find him first and ask him where Ranboo is.'' Wilbur, who was hidden behind his guitar, spoke up.

He strummed a quick A Major chord, and hummed a small tune.

''That sounds nice Will, what's that song called?''

(taratum bum bum bum)

''Your New Boyfriend! I wrote it myself!'' He said, seemingly very proud of himself.

''Yo, I didn't know you could write songs!'' Tubbo screeched, looking impressed.

''You can sing it later, Wilbur. We need to find Tech and Ranboo first.'' Phil said, gently taking the guitar away.

''Ok, let's go!''

We all went upstairs. I checked the gaming room and music room, but no one was there. That left one room only, Techno's attic room.

Phil opened the door, slowly.

I gasp. That's. So. Fucking. Cute?

Techno and Ranboo were curled up on the bed, Techno's arms were around Ranboo in a protective way, and the latter was curled up tightly, his head buried near Techno's neck, pink strands covering his black and white hair.

The were both sleeping soundly, until Wilbur made a small ''aw'' noise.

''AHH WILBUR WHAT THE FU-'' Techno shot out of bed, breathing heavily. He glared at Wilbur, who tantalizingly waved his phone around, revealing a picture of the sight seen 2 minutes ago.

Ranboo was also up, startled awake by Techno's yell.

''Oh, shit I'm sorry Ran! I didn't mean to wake you up...'' Techno apologized, rubbing Ranboo's head in a loving brotherly way.

''Well, this is the perfect time to mention the good news!'' Phil said, smiling at everyone.

''What news?'' We all chorused.

''Guess!'' He beamed at us.

''Um, we're getting a pet pig?'' Techno asked.

Phil shook his head.

''What about, uhhh, we're going to DisneyLand or something?'' I ask.

Phil shook his head again.

''Godammit Phil, tell ussssss.'' Wilbur whined.

Phil turned to face us.

''How donyou like the family name Minecraft?'' He asked, beaming at us again.

Wait... WHAT?

''W- wait Philza you don't mean-''

''Y- You do want to, right?'' Phil asked, looking slightly worried all of a sudden.



Our mixed screeches mingledin the small attic room.

Wilbur had tears in his eyes, and Techno was actually smiling?

I ran at Phil for a group hug. Tubbo and Ranboo joined in, followed by Wilbur dragging a still dazed Techno in as well.

~Time skip brought to you by my goldfish drowning~

At the foster system, a big, blank grey building with a few rose plants outside, we were all shaking with excitement.

Ranboo was holding Techno's hand and was deep in conversation with him, and Tubbo joking with Wilbur about ''his new boyfriend'' while Will yelled that he's not gay. (👁👄👁)

We are greeted into an office. After a bunch of paperwork which I didn't pay attention to, we need to sign the paper.

Phil actually meant it.

I sign my name, a messy scroll, and smile.

''Well, that's settled! Anything else?''

Phil shook his head, nd got up beaming.

''Let's go!''

We followed him putside.

Techno grabbed me, Tubbo and Ranboo, and ushered to Phil and Will.

He pulled us all into a tight hug and whispered:

''Forever Family...''

:) bye guys
i'm still sick, hope ur not TvT.

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