Chapter 1

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I wake up, my head throbbing, feeling like the world is spinning. I look around, finding myself in a dark box with crates around me. Sounds of metal scraping metal are heard all around me as we pass by small lights on the walls outside the box every now and then. It suddenly occurs to me that the ground is shaking, and all my senses are knocked back into me. The box is ascending. 

Panic settles over me as I realize I don't know how I got here. I reach to the back of my mind, searching it for any memories. But I find nothing. Nothing about how I got in this box, about my family, friends, anyone. Images of cities and animals, amongst many other things, pop into my mind. I begin to realize that I still have an understanding as to how the world works and the generalization of how it is ran, but I don't have any specifics about who I am or my life. I sink down a wall and sit down, my head in my hands, as a single thought crosses my mind:

What is my name?

I rub my temples as I try to calm myself down. Okay, just relax. I'm sure it will all come back soon.

The box comes to an abrupt stop and the shaking stops. With a shaky breath, I look up as I hear chattering from above. A crack of light opens in the ceiling as I lift my arm up to shade my eyes. Soon, the ceiling is opened all the way and the brightness overhead makes its way inside. My eyes finally adjust, as I see boys surrounding me above. I look around confused as they share the same expression, only disbelief is added as well. The group begins conversing amongst each other as if I'm not even here.

"It's a girl."
"This is new."
"Is she pretty?"
"Why now?"

I try ignoring their comments as I examine all the boys' faces. All of them can't be younger than 13. Why are they all so young? And why are there only boys?

Questions fill my mind, completely dismissing my work of calming myself down before. A newfound curiosity for everything going on enters my brain as I continue to look at the boys above me.

None of them even try talking to me as they continue to babble on about me. I pull myself up to my feet as I dust the dirt off my pants. My long brown hair falling over my shoulders as I do so, the strands stopping at my waist. I wonder how old I am, and how I look. The questions continue to flood my mind as I look up at the boys once more.

"Way to treat a lady, guys," I huff as the boys just continue to stare and talk to each other.

"Alright, alright, what's all the ruckus about," a voice with a strange accent says over everyone. The crowd falls silent as they all point towards me. The face of the voice moves to the front, where he stops as he looks down, shock filling his expression. "Bloody- None of you helped her," he turns and asks the boys. Some of them look down at their feet as no's are heard from around the group.

The boy squats down and holds a hand out to me, "Sorry about these shanks." I look up at him, a soft smile on his face, welcoming even. Well, I don't have much of a choice. And if they wanted to hurt me, they would've by now. Besides, it smells like feet down here.

I reach my light-colored hand up and place it in his as he pulls me up. The group of boys space out, giving me room to get up. I look up at the boy who helped me up. His messy, sandy blonde hair parting over his face as he looks down at me. I realize he's much taller than I had thought, as the top of my head reaches just above his shoulders. He looks older than some of the other boys as well, maybe around 15. I look around me, attempting to get a better view as to where I am, but that plan quickly fails as the boys are still crowded around me. 

The boys continue to stare silently, as if in awe. This quickly makes me uncomfortable and I start to feel small. Can they just stop staring? 

The boy who helped me up notices my discomfort immediately and starts shooing everyone off. "Boys, get back to work. There's already been enough slacking off. Go on."

Finding Hope - Newt x Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now