Chapter 13

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I stare at Gally, his body just laying there facing us. It's disturbing. But regardless, relief fills me as my whole body relaxes, the tenseness fading away in an instant. He's no longer a threat and can't hurt us.

"Thomas..," I hear a familiar voice mumble, the voice light and airy.

My eyes dart to Chuck, the boy's eyes widening as red spreads throughout his chest. I feel my heart stop beating as my legs move on their own, rushing to the boy as I catch him before he collapses to the floor.

"Chuck," I whimper, holding the boy in my arms as Thomas falls to his knees beside me, his hands flying up to his chest to cover up the wound.

Newt crouches down beside me, as everyone gathers around the boy, concern filling their faces.

Chuck's name flows out of mine and Thomas's mouth like water as we try helping the boy. Tears stream down my face as I look at the boy who grew to become my little brother in my arms, the color fading from his face as his brown eyes look up to the ceiling.

"Chuck- Chuck, hey. Look at me, look at me, okay," I sob, picking the boy's head up with my left hand to face me. His eyes meet mine, the spark he always had no longer there. "There you go, buddy. It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay."

Thomas talks to the boy as well, the two of us just trying to keep him conscious and tend to the wound, even though we have no equipment to take care of it.

"Clementine," the boy gets out as his breathing gets heavier and heavier.

"What's up, buddy? Talk to me," I croak, trying to be as light as I can.

"You're the best big sister anyone could ask for," he tells me, his voice getting raspier and weaker.

I smile at him, tears filling my vision, "You're an amazing little brother, Chuck. Just hang in there, okay?"

The boy's eyes turn to Thomas, as he reaches his hand into the pocket of his shirt, taking out the figurine he carved.

"No, no, Chuck," Thomas stutters, tears shedding from his eyes as well as he wraps his hand around Chuck's, "You're gonna give it to them yourself, remember?"

"T-take it," the boy whispers, before looking between the two of us, "Clementine, Thomas, bring it to my parents for me."

"No, Chuck. You're gonna see them yourself," I protest, not wanting to accept what's happening.

"T-thank you," the boy breathes, "thank you." His eyes turn to the ceiling, the harsh breathing stopping and becoming silent.

"No-no-no, hey. Come on, Chuck," my right hand flies up to his cheek, "Chuck come on. Please."

Thomas does the same thing, repeating no and trying to wake the boy up. He picks him up from my arms and lightly shakes the boy, his voice raising with anger and sadness, "Chuck, hey. Come on! You gotta wake up."

Chuck's body lays in Thomas's arms motionless, his lifeless eyes staring at the ceiling.

My hands go up to my face, covering my mouth as I feel my whole heart shatter. I couldn't handle the heartbreak any longer and my body falls backwards, Newt catching me as I sob. I sob. Grief pours out of me through uncontrollable tears, the water flowing out of my eyes like a river. Newt's hand goes up to wipe the tears from his face.

I turn my body and bury my head into Newt's chest as he holds me. The only noise in the room is me and Thomas weeping, along with some cries and sobs from Teresa and the other boys. Minho walks over to me, his hand landing on my back rubbing it up and down. Newt's head rests on top of mine as I hear the boy sniffle and cry.

Why him? Why did it have to be him? He deserves so much more than this. He was so close.

Suddenly, a bright light shines from behind us, a door opening at the end of the dark hall. I don't pay any attention to it as I continue to lay there in Newt's arms, sobbing. I hear men stomp into the room as they urge everyone to hurry up and get out.

"Clem, come on," Newt tells me with the softest voice. I shake my head, my body curled up and hands holding my mouth. "I know, I know it hurts," the boy sympathizes with me, a crack in his voice as he sniffles. Some men come over to us, pulling Newt from me and trying to pick me up. The boy immediately throws their arms off of him, "Just wait a bloody second! I can get her! Okay? Leave your hands off of her. She's grieving! Let me bloody take care of it."

The men walk off as Newt gently grabs my arm, "Come on, Clementine." He pulls me up to my feet, my legs feeling weak as I almost fall back to the ground. The boy catches me and holds his hands lightly at my waist as he guides me towards the door. We walk out, Newt's right arm moving to wrap around me.

As my eyes adjust to the brightness outside, I see a helicopter that everyone else is being ushered into. There's sand everywhere, as if we were in the desert. Abandoned and broken down structures are seen in the distance, hills of sand with them.

Men walk around us as they guide us towards the helicopter. Newt helps me up onto the vehicle before he gets on himself. We sit down, my head immediately laying on him as he wraps his arm around me. Minho sits on my left, patting my head for a moment, giving me that brotherly look, before his gaze shifts out the door. My head perks up as the men bring Thomas in, as they all pile into the helicopter. Thomas sits on the other side of Newt as a man takes a seat in front of us, pulling off his mask.

"Are you kids alright," the man asks us as we go up into the air. "Don't worry, you're safe now."

We all look at each other, a mixture of emotions spreading across our faces. As we fly high into the air, Newt looks over out the window, all of us following suit. For the first time, we get a sight of the Maze from above. A sight of the place that brought horrors to our life, and will scar us forever.

Newt looks away, shock and disbelief hitting the two of us like a train.

"Relax," the man tells us, "everything's going to change."

That phrase, it triggers something inside of me. I get that feeling I got back when we were inside the facility, and questions fill my mind. How did the Maze still operate when everyone was dead? Are we really safe? Are these the people that attacked W.C.K.D--if that attack was even real? Something about the whole situation just doesn't feel right.


I push it all to the back of my mind. Maybe I'm just overthinking and it's the habit I built from inside the Maze that's getting to me. Maybe it's not.

But I know I want to rest, and I know that for time being--we are away from the Grievers, away from the Maze. 

Newt looks at me with a soft expression. I smile at the boy, bringing my hand up to his face as I wipe the blood away from the small cut under his eye.

My head goes back to its former position, laying against Newt's shoulder. The noise of the helicopter's buzzing and the events from the day piling on top of me, I feel sleep pull me under. Darkness encloses me as I hear Newt's voice talking me to sleep.

"We're safe now, Clementine."

All thoughts of Chuck fade from my mind as a single tear drop slips out of my eye. Thoughts of the Maze and everything that had just happened leaves my mind. The worries of everything just fades away. The only thought that stays is Newt, and the comfort he brings me. 

I feel myself relax, and then I fall asleep.

Finding Hope - Newt x Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now