new patient

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months have passed and jungkook still couldn't move on, he tried making himself busy by writing a novel, working out, and simply being a doctor, but none of them worked nor distracted him.

during his days, he would check up his patients on how they've been, some are attracted to him, but he could say less in his side. jungkook was viewing the patient's vitals when a huge door slam from the emergency room rang on his ears, being the 'needed' assigned doctor, he rushed and ran to the emergency room meeting up with familiar faces.

there laying jieun and suho together blood scattered.

he was more than shock, and persevered to save the both of them, of course! this was his ex-lover he should perfect their surgery to save their lives, maybe this time. jieun will pick him.


counted hours passed by, jungkook sighed as he perfected both surgery, this was truly a miracle since ounces of blood was lost and-




'shit' he mumbled of his breath, this couldn't be happening! he should've done something as they were still at an critical image, but no. jungkook sat there panting at his thoughts. his co-doctors eyed him. whispers can be heard but no one dared to confront him nor to question him. he just sat there eyeing the both of them.


jungkook couldn't sleep that night, was he a m-murderer?

this question haunted him, this question revolved around him, this question-

"jungkook!" jimin. thank you for reviving me from my thoughts.

"h-huh?" jimin sighed at he remembers his bestfriends pasts,

"jungkook. come on. it's been 3 years. it wasn't your fault, it was-" jimin couldn't continue his sentence when it was cut of by jungkook,

"don't remind me of that jim, and I'm over now, okay?" jungkook answered

at present; jungkook was now the head of the hospital, his co-workers were amazed by his skills as in such a young age, he was still at his prime, though many of his co-workers adored him, he couldn't say less about the others, not after that incident,

"oh yeah, by the way. we have a new patient, I think her name is z-zyu, or wu? or poo? something like that" jungkook laughed at his friend as he shake his head,

"I don't think someone is named "poo" okay? that's a cute name though" jimin nudge at him as he went back at his serious face,

"I don't care, but damn! she's so pretty! more like an angel I suppose,"

"you're so desperate for love, even eyeing our own patients!"

jimin sighed as he point towards the counter, "you're lucky as I'm already in-love with mina, but you should check out, poo she's really pretty!"

"stop calling her poo idiot!"


hopefully u ppl didnt notice the plottwist that is going to involve at the ending !

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