new faces

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jungkook was determined to have a chat with tzuyu virtually, but the thing is . . he doesn't know how, so he marched over to the table of the cafeteria and sat down with jimin and mina, meeting him with teasing smiles, but he doesn't care as he needs advice from the couple,

"i-I need help." was the only thing he could utter, before jimin answering "well, we'd love to help, but you have to do give us an update every-"

desperately enough, before jimin could finish his sentence, "yes, yes. now what do I text her?"

"jungkook, you need to realize tzuyu just gave you her number, maybe wait a little?" mina answered making jungkook pout down at the thought, "but waiting sucks, and I don't want to wait!"

"its not like she's-" jimin was cut offed by an uninvited person wearing a wide smile,

"hi! mind if I sit here?" originally, all of them would say no since their topics are a bit personal and not for the public to share, but looking around . . there's no other tables left for her to sit at,

without an answer she pulled back the chair and sat down next to jungkook, "i guess silence means yes right?" she laughed

mina raised her eyebrows eyeing the person, I've never seen her before . . who is she? "may I ask , who you are?"

"oh right! i'm eunha,"

and with that introduction, jungkook choked himself bringing the memory back of him and eun, "e-eunha?" the girl laughed as she nodded, "took you long enough, how many years has it been?"

"I wasn't counting" they both laughed when jimin and mina just eyed them both, questions popped out of their heads,

meeting their eyes, jungkook spoke "oh right! jimin and mina, this is eunha!"

"yeah we know, she introduced herself," jimin answered nonchalant, jungkook laughed and continued his sentence, "she was my-"

suddenly, jungkook noticed his watch was ticking, indicating that break time is now over, wow, perfect timing am i right?

"nice chat, but we all need to go now so bye," and with that, jungkook left, leaving the couple confused,


tzuyu was all alone now, waiting for jungkook's text or even a call, but none of that came in, 'maybe he's busy? I just need to focus on myself then, wenfdksnfskl what's the point of having such a big house when there's no one to live it with you?'

'this house is suffocating me, I probably need fresh air' after minutes of talking to herself, tzuyu finally concluded that her house of memories lacks happiness, maybe someone will light up the candle that has been blown up for 2 years

breeze of fresh air added to the calming environment as the whirl of malaise disappeared, maybe giving your heart a chance, isn't such a bad idea, as the fixed of mind-set swirled into a picture, a lost picture . . oh what could've been ; thoughts and ideas turned into allusions, allusions of disappearance.

suddenly, beside her was a phone ringing, it was her phone showing a none-familiar phone number, with curiosity . . she answered it

a voice came out giving out a friendly tone; "hello? i-is this tzuyu?"

"who is this?"

"have you forgotten me already?" the voice was surely so familiar for tzuyu, but it doesn't click up a core of memory, who is this really?

"i-i'm sorry i don't-"

"tzuyu! it's me sehun!" 'sehun? wait- sehun? taehyung's cousin? wait why is he calling me though? did something happened to tae?'

"oh! sehun long time no talk, how are you?" sehun chuckled from the other line, he knew that taehyung and tzuyu broke up from their arrangement, he was only being friendly to check how she is,

"i should be the one to ask that, shouldn't i?" he replied with concern plastered from his voice, after silence filled up their phone call, "wait are you busy? i-"

"no, i'm not busy, i was finding a buddy-mate to talk to, and you're perfect!" sehun unknowingly smiled after she said that, "so to answer you, i mean i'm fine and if you're going to ask about me and tae-"

"no, no. you don't have to explain anything to me, let's just have a little talk for a while since you and i aren't busy." sehun clearly wanted tzuyu to be comfortable around him as he thinks its better when they have random conversations like this, not for any reason really

'i supposed a little talk will do. .' and with that thought, tzuyu continued to talk to him not minding the time passing by. 

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