break up?

107 9 4

i saw the pain in kim tae's eyes, he eyed me as I see, there was no anger, no rage, not even fury. am i the bad guy in this story? he asked me to have a word for ourselves and I agreed,

"do you l-like her?" he stuttered as I felt guilty, is it a sin for me to love someone out of my league? I didn't know what else to say, as I nod my head. i saw how he flashed a smile without even thinking about himself,

"i-i see. does s-she like you?" I questioned myself as he asked that, "no. no she doesn't" I didn't stutter at that part, as I know for a 'fact' she doesn't, right? I sighed. i hate the fact that i cant even answer my own questions-

"can i talk to her, privately?" why is he asking me? "yeah, of course." he requested privacy so I didn't eavesdrop to their conversation, instead I left,


half hour when taehyung finally left, it wasn't my business but I need to check up upon tzuyu, as she is still in my care, yes. I was observing them. when I entered tzuyu stood up, she looked at me with her red eyes, puffy eyes. she took off her oxygen mask as she ran to me,

and hugged me tightly.

"jungkook. please don't leave me." she broke off the hug as I just watched her take my hands and gripped it tigtly as she was holding me to not let go, I was confused of course, who wouldn't be? she finally cried again as she was pleading to me, its like my mind is giving the most random events to my life,

"sshs, I'm not leaving you, I promise," why would I leave you in this state? I love yo-

I ignore thoughts as I look at her eyes, I let her cry to me when someone knocked, jimin.
I led her to her chair to sit down at,
shes now calming down. "ill be right back, hmm?"

she gulped and nodded,



jimin pulled my coat to let me outside of the room, "what was that all about?" jungkook rolled his eyes as he eyed him down, "why should I tell you?" jimin flicked jungkook's forehead earning a dramatic sighed down from him,

"I was just doing my job." jimin smirked as he made fun of me, "I didn't know giving out hugs was part of your job." jungkook scoffed at jimin's statement,

"she was crying! of course I need to comfort my girl!" jimin laughed as jungkook doesn't realize his own words, "your girl now huh?"

"listen, she wanted me to stay, and I stayed. why are you here anyway?"

"oh yeah, you and I were nominated for some award, the party is in 2 weeks, plus the ceo wanted to talk to us about it."

"party?" party? really cant they just give out an award privately?

"don't even think about not coming! we are needed in this, plus we can bring dates!"

"you should bring tzuyu." jimin teased jungkook as he saw the tip of his ears turning red "I hope mina leaves you." laughing at his remarks, jimin stopped to fire a roast.

"I hope tzuyu rejects you!"

people should really look into the italicize parts their italicIZE for a reason aheaheae question marks / /.  .w w/t.w w;p;

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