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they were both sitting down calmly not minding the silence, ", i'll pick you up tomorrow? f-for the party?" jungkook started the conversation while tzuyu just nodded, "i-i have a confession to make." omg tzuyu i like you too!

"lucas is actually my friend, and he has a fiancée.." jungkook wasn't really expecting that as he threatened the guy, "h-he has a fiancée?" tzuyu nodded as jungkook felt embarrassed of himself, "now that's out of the picture, i have one clarification to make." as the guy lowered his head he instantly looked up raising his eyebrow,

"do you like-

"one iberico ham and one wagyu beef, a bottle of champagne and the dessert is on its way ma'am and sir." the waiter smiled as he handed over the food, "so what were you saying zu?"

"oh! i'll just say it after eating."

after minutes of eating there's one thing on jungkook's mind, what was she going to say? as tzuyu poured in the champagne she poured in semi-half, "you know champagne is the type of drink i like to drink early in the morning. ."

"you take shots?"

"i guess you can say that, i just drink when i'm stressed,"

"you're stressed right now?" tzuyu laughed as she thought of confessing now, "maybe, but i'm also happy since i'm with you." jungkook seemed shocked as he thought of something "zu, can i give you something?" tzuyu nodded as she placed down her glass of champagne,

"promise to take it with care?"

"always." 'aahh. my head hurts, I really need medicine for myself.'

"jk are you okay?" shit I'm ruining my moment,

"y-yes, here." i gave her the necklace i always treated with care, but it seemed cursed. everyone i gave this to, died.

"i know it might seemed rush, but I wanted to give you this as a sign that . .i care for you." I should've just said I love her, instead of giving her twisted words.

"jungkook. do you like me?" tzuyu bit her tongue when she said that, i don't like someone giving me mixed signals, especially when i like them back.

"i-I don't- i mean i do! but i-"

"jungkook, listen. i think you're a sweet guy and i'm not rushing you or anything, but it seems like you need some time to figure your feelings out." tzuyu handed jungkook back the necklace as she was about to leave the place, jungkook stopped her,

"wait. please. i do like you." tzuyu softened her eyes with the instant confession, "but i don't know how to indicate it with you."

"but i know why i like you."

as jungkook leaned in forward, he stopped for a quick breath as he pushes forward to finally, kiss the person whom he liked and soon to be loved. tzuyu gladly took it in as she held his neck, it felt like. . butterflies, roaming around not until

applaud and applause were heard as they forgot they were in a public place, as they quickly pulled apart, and fixed their posture,

"invite me at the wedding!"

"what a cute couple~"

"aish being single is the worse."

nothing but silent was heard when they were both inside at jungkooks car, "so? what does that, makes us?" tzuyu turned to him as he took her hand, "my girlfriend?" as he kissed the palm of her hand, "I never agreed on that part!"

"too late, you kissed me." tzuyu scoffed as he then started the engine, "you're the one who kissed me first. at a public place!"

"why? you want private kisses? I'll give you that too." jungkook pulled her in, about to kiss her when he stopped, "see? you didn't even stop me. so you're my girlfriend now. and wear that necklace everyday, I like it on you."

"alrighty, now start driving, it's dark already. we might get in an accident"

after like a 30-minute driving session, jungkook parked back as they arrived at tzuyu's place, "I'll pick you up at 9:45pm baby, don't forget about tomorrow!"

"nicknames already? and yes, I wont forget about it jk," jungkook opened the car door for her as she went out,

"oh. and thank you for today," tzuyu stepped forward as she went for a kiss on the cheek, and as she does, she ran over to her mansion, jungkook on the other hand

touched his cheek, as he pouted, 'i wanted it here..' as he pointed at his lips,

"well, tomorrow night will be fun, so I better have a good sleep."

ily and sorry > EHHEHEEHEHEHEH 

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