And so I'll flee to the depths of the sea

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A sharp exhaled and jolt is what Gabriel woke up with, He expected to see the walls of the sandy prison he was detained in, But instead was greeted by the beautiful murals on unfamiliar walls, Paintings of his kind amongst those they served, He wondered if he finally had gone to heaven or was dreaming.

The angel went to pinch himself only to find a quite elegant garb that could be described as a dark lavender on his body and his hands in dark gloves with gold rings that matched the holy symbolism on his attire.

He kicked his leg, Hearing no clink of metal against metal, Gabriel dared to sit up, Feeling a little light headed, The angel stretched his wings out, Only to find that they had darkened in color and were over-fluffed by lack of preening.

He frowned, Understanding that as a result of his foolishness. Gabriel tilted his head, Feeling surprised when short dark hair swished by instead of his long golden hair.

'Reincarnation?' He pondered, Gabriel knew that man could reincarnate if their souls so choose but angels? Let alone archangels??

Not likely, Regardless here he was, The angel wanted to figure out what happened and why he came back.

Gabriel hopped off of the alter he laid upon, Faling down to the floor immediately.

"O-Ow..." He whined, Unprepared for the slight pain from such a thing.

"Bro did you hear that!?"

"Fuck, Yeah, I don't think we're here alone Jo."

The angel heard the exchange between two distant voices, The angel rose to his feet, Clinging to the alter for support, His darkened wings shifted uncomfortably, But despite that unease, Gabriel felt an odd twinge of excitement, For he felt somewhat comforted by the fact that he was not alone, His excitement to meet and interact with living beings after so long motivated him to find the strength to stand again.

He somehow found his balance, Standing on his odd new shoes, They arched up at an angle, With a thin gold support beam for his heels, The gold matched the cross that adorned each side.

Gabriel found his way to the tall doors that guarded the exit, he peaked through it and saw that what he heard was true, There were a pair of humans at the end of the hall.

Gabriel could only get a good look at one of them due to the second having his back turned to him, The one he could see however, Was a dark skinned guy with two toned hair color, He watched the color leave his face as the angel approached.

"Be not afr-" The angel was cut off by him screaming.


Instead of warm greetings or even fearful ones from the second, Gabriel was met with a sudden hatchet slash to his side when the other human spun back and attacked him.

Gabriel fell back with a cry from the pain and couldn't catch himself, Resulting in the angel clambering to the ground once more, Clutching his slashed and now bleeding side.

He crawled back from the two, Curling up on his side and shielding himself with his wings to protect it from further harm, The angel started to sob from the resurfacing pain of the betrayal that caused his death, At Lucifer's hands.

Gabriel's ears didn't catch the hurried footsteps that ran from him, All he knew was... He was alone again once he opened his wings and he would likely stay that way, But a shadow caught his eye as it emerged from his peripheral vision, The angel found himself unable to move, Caught under it's unrelenting gaze.

He wanted to scream, But Gabriel could not, He was forced to lay there, Tears still rolled down his face, The angel couldn't escape, Even if his life depended on it, And it did, He was once again, Captive.

The shadow seemed ready to go in for the kill as it lunged at Gabriel...

A bang rang through the place and the creature fell, Staggered, Barely avoiding the fate of falling forward on the angel, Thankfully it fell beside him.

Distant voices called out but Gabriel was already lost in shock and blood loss, Causing him to slip into the void of unconsciousness.

Adam blew out the smoke from the gun, It didn't make sense to him, Why would an alternate attack their own kind?? His partner finally caught up to him.

"WHAT THE FUCK ADAM!? WE NEED TO FUCKING LEAVE." As Jonah yelled, The young adult continued to stare, Causing the other to look the same way and let out a "Holy shit-"

"We need to help him." Adam blankly said, Causing a surprised gasp from his friend.

"Adam, Did that last job mean nothing to you!? You could have fucking died! And been host to these things-"

"But I didn't, And this is different, Look, What if this is really something beyond us!! Jonah! This thing didn't attack us! It bleeds red! What I'm saying is- What are you doing??" He was caught off guard by his friend approaching it.

"Helping you bring this fuckin thing into the car." 

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