In a place that I had found

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The car skidded to a stop in-front of a building, One donning a bright, Glowing sign, Lucid had to forcefully tear his gaze away, Otherwise he'd be staring at it for a half hour.

He was handed a few things, A list, Some green paper, Money he supposed, And was ushered verbally to go inside by Adam and Jonah while they hung around the back as not to be seen. 

As soon as Lucid walked in, He thought his wings would snap the medical tape as a cold wave swooned over him, Giving him goosebumps and causing his wings to fluff up, But they stayed in place thankfully.

The angel was lucky to have had some interactions with humans, Therefor he knew how vendors worked, Though he remembered vendors selling, Meats, Fruits, Sometimes cattle, But all Lucid saw were things in some sort of noisy packaging.

Lucid took a peak at his list, He needed to get milk, But there weren't any cows here, After some scavenging, He was able to find it in a jug, Maybe he just needed to be creative.

Not too long later, The angel finished his shopping a half hour after he started, The cashier was really helpful and nice, He recalled glancing at her name tag, Her name was Sarah.

Lucid walked along the side of the establishment, His eyes got caught on a collection of papers taped to the wall, A missing poster for a person named 'Rachel "Ebony" Lamb' And then the angel's eyes drifted to a psa alerting people to stay away from a 'Cesar Torres' if encountered, It looked like attempts were made to claw the poster down but Lucid could still make out that it listed him as an alternate.

Before he could get distracted with any more of the posts, He was blinded, The angel shielded his eyes and looked in the direction of the light, It was the BPS van.

He waved to them before making his way past the blinding rays of the headlights, He opened the doors to the back and hopped inside, Closing them, In which Adam wasted no time in starting the engine to get them going home.

"So, How was it?" Jonah asked, Looking back to Lucid from the passenger seat. 

The angel perked up, Somewhat missing the two despite only being away from them for a short while. "Good!, I got everything on the list!!" 

"Hell Yeah!" The other replied enthusiastically.

"Pfft- Congratulations on your citizen duties Lucid." Adam joked dryly.

They got home quickly, Due to Adam Murray being himself and pushing the speed limit, As soon as they got inside, He could see the angel's discomfort make itself known while Jonah was putting stuff away and aside for dinner, So Adam pulled a pair of scissors from the table.

"Okay Lucid, Your wings will be free in a second, I wanna show you something."

"What are those?" 

"Scissors or shears, I guess, You see how I'm holding em?" He wanted to teach Lucid some basics of how to manage real world items, He watched as the angel nodded.

Adam proceeded to grab a torn envelope from the coffee table he had gotten the first item from, He slid the bottom jaw of the scissors under the paper, Closing his hand in the handles slowly, Thus snipping the paper holder in half.

"Okay, So, I want you to try that with the bandages we used." The blonde spoke, Watching Lucid's bewildered look snap back to reality. 

The angel carefully took the sharp pair of scissors from Adam, Looking to his face for approval before getting a nod from him, Giving Lucid a surge of small scale confidence.

He set them to his side as he pulled off the hoodie, Leaving him in a dark shirt with short sleeves, Lucid grabbed the scissors, The grip a little slippery due to the angel still wearing gloves meanwhile.

Lucid opened up the scissors, One of the edges poking him a little. "Careful Lucid!" He heard his blonde companion warn, Causing him to pull the pair back a bit, He found the tool cut though without much effort and in no time, His wings were able to spread out again, And they involuntarily stretched out quickly, Smacking Adam in the face with one. 


"SORRY ADAM!!!!" To his surprise, Adam laughed as soon as he pushed Lucid's dark feathered wing out of his face. 

"Nah bro, It's fine!!" 

Jonah made his way into the living room. "I think we might be able to take calls again, Y'know since we have an angel on our side?" 

Adam was well aware that they really boxed themselves into this role, Since they riled up the police force, It was kinda hard to do anything else now. "Maybe, Only if Lucid is okay with it though."

"Of course! I'd very much enjoy helping people!!" The angel replied, Clasping his gloved hands together. 

Adam sighed, Reaching for his phone. "Ight, It's settled I guess, I'll give one of these people a call back in a few."

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