The trees all around them are burning down

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The three had no choice but to comply with the orders of law enforcement, They were cornered, Adam and Jonah stepped ahead, Trying to plea and argue that Lucid had no involvement, But it was damning evidence the fact that he was on a job with them.

Lucid didn't pay attention to that, What caught his gaze were the silver restraints applied to both before being ushered into the flashing cars, Those restrains sounded and looked like shackles, Like the ones he wore for so long...

One of the officers took a step towards the angel, Ordering for his hands to be placed behind his back, Lucid did not comply, He backed up like a frightened deer.

Adam and Jonah watched from the car, The door was left open, presumably because they were going to stuff Lucid in the same car as them.
Jonah leaned to the side practically throwing himself out of the car and then abruptly screaming at the top of his lungs.

The cop trying to apprehend Lucid turned around at the commotion, Allowing the angel to slip past and take off running. "GO GO GO!!! DONT STOP FOR NOTHING!!" Jonah yelled and cheered, As Adam looked over at him with an amazed and bewildered look. "Holy shit Jo, You're a genius."

Meanwhile Lucid ran for quite possibly, His life, As far as he knew, If he gets locked up again, There's not promised a third chance.

An electrical feeling surged his veins, He was far ahead of the officers but he knew not to get cocky, The angel didn't know where to go, He didn't want to lead them to Adam and Jonah's home.

Lucid could have flown if his wings weren't binded down, But alas, They were.

He started to slow down, What was he supposed to do? He needed Adam and Jonah, No, He wanted them, He missed them, The angel was too exhausted to care about the blaring sirens that spelled out his capture.

The angel gritted his teeth, If he turned his back he knew that he was as good as caught, The angel suddenly felt the wind of a large bird swooping over head, It triggered a memory as he watched it fly past through the night.

A memory from when the angel was still Gabriel, When he was still a fledgling, Watching his brethren fly before he himself was old and strong enough to join them in the golden skies of heaven, When his family was still that, A family.

Gabriel sat with his knees to his chest, Not particularly sad just, Missing his brothers at the moment.

"What is ever the matter little brother?" He heard Lucifer's usual, Hyper elegant voice almost boom.

"I just- I just wanna fly with them..." He glanced back at his small wings, Decorated with feathers in the gray color range, They wrapped themselves around his small body.

"And you will! One day brother! You just have to be patient!" Lucifer's features were fuzzy to the angel, He never was able to remember how he looked before...

Before the blood, Crimson water of a holy source, Pouring from the archangel's bloodied heart, Crying as he fled from that same brother, The same one who'd become him after his death.

Lucid remembered it in etched in detail, His body hurting from strain, His vision blurring from blood loss, Only making up to the lord's stairwell, Being surrounded by his brethren and mother, Everything going black as he died in the lap of God.

He was sure he'd be doomed to rot in eternity in a tomb of sand where his only hope was cracked and cracked until it shattered, That being his endless calls to his mother, The lord, Only to receive to help, No message, No reply, It was hard for Lucid to believe that God ever existed in the first place.

Lucid was given a second chance, For some god forsaken reason he was, Yet he was alone again, He knew that he was put here to right his wrong of letting himself be so foolish as to fall for the tricks of a traitor, But the angel wasn't sure he had it in him, He wouldn't even know, Luci- Gabriel's appearance even if he saw him.

He didn't know where the police had gone, Maybe he lost them, Maybe they went home, They had families too, Families plagued by the result of Lucid's actions, He couldn't blame them too much, Sweeping things under the rug wasn't a new tactic to see in others to the angel.

Lucid waited a few seconds to see what would happen if he stopped walking, Nothing, He fell to his knees, Suppressed tears and wails finally seeing light of day like he himself had, His wings freed themselves from the electrical chord, Forcing it apart with force, Lucid shielded his crying form with the limbs, Trying to comfort himself as he cried on the forest floor.

The angel never wanted any of this, He just wanted his brother back, Lucid just wanted his family back... But his fatal mistake not only caused his downfall but also the downfall of humanity and heaven.

He cried himself into a peaceful slumber. 

Hehe Sad Lucid momence.

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