When certainty boils away, They don't know the right way

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Adam took the wheel on the drive afterward, As he had after the incident at the cat woman's place.

"Adam, Do you think it's gonna.. Y'know, Be upset that we attacked it?" Jonah asked sympathetically, Breaking the dead silence, 'It' being the winged creature they indirectly knocked out and then shoved into the trunk like a corpse.

"Probably, I mean, If I got fuckin sliced, I'd be a lil grumpy myself." The blonde one tried to make a little humor of the situation, Which usually was Jonah's job but obviously it was freaking him out quite a bit.

"Jo, We're going to get this handled, Worst thing that could happen? I dunno, We have to fight it? I mean, It almost got smacked by an alternate so surely it can't be that powerful." He tried to reassure, Feeling bad for putting his friend through all of this.

Another wave of silence fell over the two, The road ahead was so dark, Yet there was light, Illuminations of streetlights, It wasn't much but there was never just pitch black.

Adam pulled into a dark, Somewhat trashy neighborhood, It wasn't great but it was all they could get, Since one of their clients struck up a deal with the duo, Offering them a place to stay since the woman believed in their mission, She seemed believed in it more then Adam himself at this point.

Atleast the other people living here won't bat an eye at them pulling out an unconscious person from the trunk, Speaking of which, Time to do the deed.

The car slowed to a stop, The tires rumbling on the gravel driveway of the two bedroom house way back in the place.

"Let's do this shit I guess." Adam said, Offer his gun to Jonah who took it and made sure the safety was off before opening the door and meeting the other around the back.

Adam held the key up and clicked the unlock button on the key fob before sticking it back in his pocket, Now he reached for the car trunk handle, Holding the hatchet in his free hand just in case this was an ambush, The blonde teen took a deep breath before throwing the trunk open.

It was still out, And bleeding, It freaked him out a little how human it looked like this, Adam wanted to do one thing before lifting this thing and leaving himself vulnerable, He set his weapon aside, Asking Jonah to watch his back as he reached in the trunk for a flashlight, He got closer and carefully lifted one of the creature's eyelids, Grimacing at the odd, Elongated shape of his pupil.

Adam shined the light in his eye, The pupil constricted, Going thinner like a cat's but overall, The winged thing didn't react despite that, So Adam had a decent idea that it was actually unconscious instead of it's faint being a trick, He turned off the flashlight and instead reached for the creature, Not caring about getting it's blood on him, Adam could see his friend fighting the urge to help him lift but he waved him off, Telling him instead to "Open the doors for me." Since Jonah had a spare key.


Gabriel awoke again but quickly closed his eyes at the sight of the blinding light in his eyes, Finding himself, In warmth he was surprised, He expected to bleed out again on that cold tile floor but he wasn't, The angel was covered up to his shoulders with a soft cover of sorts, On an odd but comfortable long piece of furniture.

He saw an odd house around him, Weird objects he wasn't familiar and design that was strange beyond his knowing, Gabriel sat up, Quickly recoiling from a pain in his side, Breathing sharply until a voice spoke up.

"Bro! Chill the f-"


"What the fuck Adam!?"

"What the frick Jonah!"

It seemed like they were going to continue to go at it until the angel himself spoke up. "W-Where am I??"

The blonde one spoke first without hesitation. "Le hellhole-" He was quickly cut off by the other. "ADAM-"

The second guy spoke to Gabriel again, Finally shedding light on the subject. "You passed out... So we brought you here, Our home, And patched you up somewhat..." He pointed at the angel's side, Which was bare but only for the need of dressing his wound, Gabriel noticed some sort of linen wrapped around it and around his wrists.

".. Who are you??" Was the angel's next question.

"Oh yeah, I'm Jonah." The darker one said, Then pointed his thumb to the blonde who just stood off to the side. "That's Adam."

Gabriel perked up. "Oh?? Like Adam and Eve???"

"Nah bro, Adam and Steve."

"What!?" The angel asked, Confused, Befuddled, Bamboozled even!

Jonah slid by him. "Don't worry about it!, Who are you though?"

"G-Gabriel... The angel Gabriel." He spoke in a low tone, Timid, What made it worse was the looks of terror that slowly faded onto Adam and Jonah's faces.

In a quick motion, the hatchet was brought back out and held to his throat, He looked into Adam's rage filled eyes, Searing his soul. "What the fuck do you want!? I'll fucking kill you! Bastard!!"

"I wish you both no ill will!!! I'm quite aware of my misdeed and mistake and the grief I'm sure it caused, If death is my punishment, So be it.." He watched as Adam trembled with the weapon, His anger filled resolve fading into fear and hesitation.

Suddenly, The hatchet was yanked away from the two, By Jonah, Which incited a fearful and aggressive response.

"J-Jonah!? What the fuck are you doing!?"

"Stopping you from doing something you'd regret." He replied with a wave of his own fright in his voice. "You said it yourself, What if this really is something beyond us...Something to help humanity against the alternates?"

Adam fell quiet.

"If he were the king of alternates, He wouldn't have been so willing to surrender so quickly?"

Alternates... That was something awfully unfamiliar to Gabriel.

Jonah looked to Gabriel himself, Silently ordering him to speak.

"I...I was tricked... Lucifer, God's greatest adversary, We were once brothers... He told me he wanted to go b-back.. Change his ways, We met after the news of the lord's child, That's when he k-killed.. Killed me.. "

His wings wrapped around himself as he laid the story on the metaphorical table. "I understand if you are angry, I can't imagine the horrid things he has done after such a deed."

Gabriel half heartedly listened as the two discussed and debated quietly to eachother, He didn't care what happened to him, He felt that he deserved every bit of retribution that would strike him down from this point on.

"Okay, Okay, Gabriel." Adam spoke, Grabbing the angel's attention.

"Me and Jo, Jonah." He clarified before continuing. "Have come to the agreement of not kicking your ass, But-" The blonde pulled out his previous weapon and pointed it in his direction. "Try anything and we'll give you a one way ticket to hell."

Gabriel trembled, Terrified of making more mistakes that causes them to hate his guts more than they surely already do.

He could hear a sigh.

"Look, We're not gonna hurt you, Anymore atleast, If you don't hurt us, Got it?" The angel nodded. "Good, Get some rest Gabe."

"Well.. Us archangels don't really require sleep!!" Gabriel tried to protest but he did feel a certain heaviness to his body and eyelids, The angel laid back down regardless, He shivered upon feeling a cold breeze.

"Aww... He's chilly!!"

Gabriel felt the warm embrace of a blanket being lightly and oh so gently laid over his admittedly cold body.


Jonah sat back down next to Adam, Watching the angel doze off, He wasn't so sure about Gabriel at first, But something about the creature made him warm up to him pretty fast actually, Maybe it was the way he sweetly snuggled into the blanket Jonah gave him or the innocent gaze he looked at the world with...

Or the fact that the teen found that he could relate to the circumstances vaguely and that this once divine being, Was in deep shit now, As much if not more than Adam and and Jonah himself were.

For the first time in a long time, The future held a glimmer of light to it.

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