Even if it's all crumbled and rubble

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Quick TW for a few things.

-Reckless driving is both talked about and shown in passing, Nobody gets hurt from it and it's more of a gag than anything, Though I still feel it worth warning for.

-I'd also like to give a HUGE warning for a shift the chapter takes, There is a part near the end where it gets emotionally intense and an emotional breakdown is present.


Lucid's recovery came swiftly, He had still been sick after the exposure to the sacred flora, Regardless, They still needed to go fourth with their plans, Those plans being, Lucid's relearning of flight.

After a bit of snooping and some quick googling, They were able to find somewhere obscured in Mandela county, Where the angel wouldn't be seen, Not that the police would do anything if it was an alternate, But if they suspected him of being Gabriel, The three would be in big trouble.

Adam hopped into the driver's seat of the Bps van, Glancing back at Lucid who occupied the back, He grimaced a little, Not because of anything the angel had done, But the thought that they'd at some point have to teach a thousands of years old, Plus some, Archangel how to parallel park.

He wasn't excited for that day but atleast Lucid was taking the reins for this, Or well, Adam hoped he would.

Meanwhile Lucid gazed out the window, A fluttering feeling in his not so holy heart.

It was a twinge of anxiety for him... But also a taste of excitement.

He just didn't want to disappoint them, Few humans got to see the flight of an angel, Let alone archangel. 

The destination was actually really pretty, It was a clearing in the local woods with what seemed to be the remnants of a playground, Partially re-possessed by the flora reclaiming the built structures, The two alternate hunters had to explain the context of the site to the, Very confused angel.

"So.. It's like flying?" Lucid spoke, Inquiring about the swing set with a gloved hand cupped under his chin.

"Yeah, Though most humans are honestly scared shitless of flight." Adam confirmed.

"Speak for yourself Adam!! When I was a kid I wanted to be a pilot!!" 

"But you can barely drive-"

"Then who was your god damn getaway driver!?"

Adam and Jonah proceeded to go at it again, Roasting eachother in a manner that didn't bother Lucid, It never did as his own siblings did the same.

On normal circumstances, The angel had gotten used to letting it run it's course but the threat of law enforcement intervention made him somewhat anxious.

The unholy being cleared his throat, Gaining the attention of his friends.

His strawberry blonde friend looked like a deer in the headlights for a moment. "Oh.. Right, Sorry, Let's get on with it huh?" Adam looked to Lucid and then Jonah for agreement, The two sharing approving looks.

The two humans moved back, Giving Lucid ample room do what he needed, The angel let his wings spread out to their full glory, When stretched, He could tell it nearly reached the length of the entire van.

"Holy shit!!! Dude!! Your wings are massive!! Why didn't you show us before??"

Lucid smiled at Jonah's enthusiasm. "I, Well..." His grin faded to sheepishness. "I didn't want to knock anything over!!" Having the feathered limbs expanded felt indescribably relieving to the angel.

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