In the coffin morals lie in

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Lucid awoke in a dark room, He fumbled around, A small panic in his chest when the sounding surfaces from the basement vanished, He scrambled but got to his feet, Swiftly flicking on a light switch in the room.

Oh right, He was in Adam's room, The two had a proper heart to heart once they got home and the strawberry blonde didn't feel right about leaving Lucid to himself in the basement after that, The angel was thankful for that, He recalled feeling safer in his friend's room.

The angel smiled as he walked back to his little nest of covers in the corner, That was when he noticed the small piece of paper next to it, A note most likely, Lucid fetched it from the floor.

'Me and Jo are going out for a job, There's dinner in the fridge, We will be gone awhile. 

Don't answer the door for anyone.


He set the note down on a nearby table, Making his way to the kitchen because he WANT!

Aside from that, Lucid sincerely hoped this job would go much smoother than the last one they had taken, He was distracted by his thoughts and quest by a flicker of light, Not from the artificial light in the home, But a bright blue beam from outside, Followed by a loud roar.

The angel flinched and looked to one of the windows, Lucid made his way over to them, Peaking through the blinds, He saw rain, And realized, This was a thunderstorm, He was told it would storm tonight, That's why the three went for flying earlier. 

Little did he know the storm was yet to begin.

Lucid's ears suddenly picked up a voice close by.

"Hello my familiar feathered friend, Or are we fiends today? I can't ever tell with you!" The hush, Yet intimidating voice giggled.

Lucid turned around, Spotting his false copy, His stomach ached with anxiety and worry.

"I- Y-You?? Gabriel??" The true angel choked out.

The false shepherd opened his arms, Motioning towards himself. "In the flesh, But not my own...!!"

Lucid though his blood couldn't run colder, Yet it found a way.

Another bright beam of lighting flashed, It didn't scare him, The loud almost house shaking thunder did, The angel yelped as the feathers on his wings fluffed up.

"Oh poor thing... Worry not, I have no intent to harm you, I have a job for you." Gabriel spoke, His mouth curling up into that smile, One that the younger angel would have found amusing if not for Gabriel's intimidation.

"I don't want to h-hurt anyone!!!" Lucid cried, Cowering from his warped reflection.

The false god's expression softened somehow. "Be not afraid, You shalln't bloody your hands tonight, No... This is a special kind of task." 

He felt an incomplete sense of relief, The angel was told that he wasn't being forced to hurt someone, But Gabriel's plans were never that simple.

"We are much alike, I once thought it flattery by intimidation, But.. You remind me of someone I knew..." Lucid's head was screaming. 


"But alas, That one is dead and gone, Pardon my tangent, Your likeness, The reason I brought it up, I want you to deliver a message for me." 

Lucid tilted his head, Was that really all? Just to be a middle man to someone? Lucid could do that. After all, That's what he was supposed to do.

Yet Gabriel's observation unnerved him, Was he truly oblivious? or was he seeing how long it would take for the angel's own fear and panic to make him break himself? Like sprinkling stray sparks into a pool of gasoline.

"Do you know something I do not? Little angel?" His voice broke Lucid from his thoughts.

"N-No??" The angel blurted out quickly. "W-What do you mean??" 

Gabriel tilted his head to the side, Glaring at him with his eyes so dilated that the whites were barely visible.

Lucid let out a snicker before realizing and covering his mouth. "I'm so s-sorry!! I don't know what that was!!!" He lied, Lucid knew exactly what it was, He didn't have time to mentally delve into his past or how his older sibling would use that face to get laughter out of him as a fledgeling.

All he knew that he was dead, This is how he'll die a second time, Because of a slip up-

Gabriel started laughing, Scratch that, Howling, Not in a way to intimidate or condescend, But seemingly a genuine bout of laughter prompted by god knows what, He wiped a tear from his eye with a slender finger. "Goodness! You should have seen you expression!!" The false angel seemingly suppressed more giggles from coming back up.

Lucid felt so much relief in that moment that he felt he could collapse, Of course he's not out of the woods yet, He realized this as Gabriel put an arm around his shoulder, Keen position to strangle or snap his neck if he slips up and actually offends him.

"Come with me Lucid, I will provide you with the details on our flight there, In a quick motion, The true angel found himself scooped up into the arms of the false.

"G-Gabriel!!" He choked out, Mostly in surprise but also in fear.

The other angel glared slightly. "What? Would you rather be out and about in this storm!?" Lucid let out a tiny and meek. "no.." in response.

"Thought so!" 

The two promptly headed out, Into the night sky, Lucid was thankful for the fact that he wouldn't have to learn how to fly in storms yet, It was something his siblings knew but he hadn't experienced it himself.

"Who are we visiting?" The angel assumed it to be a human, Since Gabriel wouldn't need to visit an alternate like this, Maybe Lucid was death fodder to something more powerful than the false angel, He'd likely be killed anyways if he had declined or argued.

"Oh, That is rather unimportant, What is important to you is that he is expecting a fellow he knows as "O'Brien.""

Lucid just hoped he could get home before Adam and Jonah do.

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