Harbored in a quiet town

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A few days passed, Lucid's presence became one of normality within the Murray & Marshall household, And who knew an archangel was capable of adjusting so soon to such modern tech... Well almost, Lucid did have great difficulty understanding that the shower was not alive, Nor did it have feelings, Other than internal personification of regular house hold items, The angel was doing well...

Or atleast that's what Jonah hoped, He looked over to the living room, And saw Adam and Lucid on the couch together, He smiled, And it didn't take long for the blonde to notice he was being watched and Adam showed an awkward smile and wave back to him.

Jonah went back to what he was doing, Which was throwing together dinner, He could hear the movie that the other two were watching in the background, Twilight, Adam had a weird hyper-fixation on it, Jonah never questioned it though, They were both entitled to their own likes and dislikes.

Speaking of dislikes, Jonah himself disliked the lack of ingredients and can goods he found in the cabnet, He looked back at the other two. 

"Adam, I think we need to go to the store, We don't have anything in there to make dinner!"

"Are you kidding!? Jo, The police are swarming, If we go in anywhere, We're as good as gravy!"

"I want gravy..." Lucid said in a hungry daze before snapping back to reality with an idea. "Wait! You've told me about your local vendors! Maybe... If you tell me what to get, I can go in for you two!" The angel offered, Wanting to help as much as he could.

"That's... That's actually not a bad idea..." Adam admitted.

Jonah ran to the living room, Pulling a note pad off the table. "I'll make a list! Remember Lucid! Grab the cheapest stuff-"

"Wait wait, Hold on." The blonde spoke, Causing the other to pause. 

"What?" Jonah asked, looking back. 

Adam just, Motioned at Lucid's wings, Wings of which that shifted because of his nervously with his sheepish smile.

The blonde rested his hand on his chin. "I wonder if we can bind them... Hold still."

Adam scooted closer, He grabbed Lucid's wing, Gently, The angel tilted his head, Starring at the other with tall eyes.

Adam pulled the wing out, Unfolding it, Lucid remained unbothered by it as he watched.

The other pressed the opened wing against the angels chest. "Okay holy shit this will work." The blonde said, Sounding surprised before turning back to the owner of the limb. "You good with this? We're not gonna make you bind if you don't wanna."

Lucid showed a smile. "Of course! I don't mind! I want to be helpful!"

"That's the spirit!!!" Jonah praised, Enjoying the ray of positive they had as of late, He watched Adam scramble around the house for something.

Jonah looked to the angel in the meantime. "So what's God like?" He asked bluntly but still curious, Unexpectedly, The angel flinched, Jonah didn't exactly know what happened, Maybe he will later, Lucid hasn't snooped into their business so he won't throw the first rock.

The archangel replied anyway in a few moments. "Well, She-" 

"SHE!?" Lucid flinched again but Jonah knew for a fact it was from his outburst, Who could blame him? "Uh.. Continue!" He showed a reassuring smile.

The angel tilted his head. "So, Me and my brethren were made by her! As well as your kind!!"

"Well I know that dip-" He could hear Adam yell from the bathroom. "DON'T CURSE AT THE ANGEL!!!"

Jonah rephrased his sentence. ".... I know that dip-...ping dots-"

'God that sounded so fucking stupid.' He thought to himself.

Thankfully he couldn't sulk in his cringe too long because Adam ran back in with a roll of white.

"Bro are you gonna tp the archangel!?"

"What the fuck!? No! This is medical wrap!!" 

Lucid chimed in. "Similar to the linen you guys patched me up with?"

"Yep, It's safe.. Well, Safe for this one trip."    

Adam cracked his knuckles. "Shall we get started?" 

The other two nodded, And thus begun the second most confusing processes of Adam Murray's life, First being prom.

They started by getting Lucid out of his fancy smancy, Dress- Robe- Garb?? Whatver it was classified as.

Adam and Jonah already knew he had clothes underneath.

"I think, I think I can just bind them over his shirt? He needs another layer anyways, Hey Jo? Will you grab one of my hoodies? Not any of the Bps ones though."

While Jonah was off doing that, Adam started on binding.

He felt like one of those victorian maids, Pulling on strings to adjust the corset of his clientele.

"Can you breathe alright?" He asked the angel.

Lucid's posture was forced and stiff but he looked and sounded okay. "Mhm-aaAAA!" The angel let out a frightened noise when something was thrown at him.

He heard both Adam and Jonah laughing as he realized the displaced object was just a shirt, One with a hood.

"Oh.. It's just a shirt.." Lucid stared at it in his hands while Adam finished the binding with a knot, Finally, Boyscouts played off.

"Wrong, It's a hoodie, Now put it on!" The angel slid the hoodie over his head, Finding a little difficulty and confusion with it but figuring it out regardless. 

He watched Adam turn to Jonah. "What do you think? Could he pass for human." Lucid tilted his head.


The two started walking to the door, Beckoning the angel to follow suit. "C'mon! Let's do this!"

---Author's note---

The fic finally has a cover I drew!!!

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