The embers that fall from the sky, They all hold a beauty

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Lucid stayed by the intruder's side, Wanting to follow his lead and learn from him but also because of all things, Lucid didn't want to be by himself, Not after being so for oh so long in the past.

"Ight so you gotta find someone you think y' can crack in a reasonable timeframe, Like uh, Don't plan long term I guess? I wouldn't really know, That's jus' what I've heard." The alternate said, Giving the angel an idea of how to get out of this possibly or stay on both sides for safety.

"Can I pick two?" Lucid asked, Aiming to frame it as him choosing Adam and Jonah as his 'victims'

The intruder scratched his head. "I mean, I guess? It's gonna be harder tho, Since they can weed ya out easier amongst eachother."

"I'll take that chance."

It seemed like what felt a few hours later that Lucid found himself in a new location, One unfamiliar to him, The angel saw a dinner table in the distance where he saw Adam and Jonah, Huddled to watch a small rectangular object.

Lucid sprinted to them without hesitation, Leaning on the table, It didn't move with his weight. "Adam!! Jonah!!! How'd you get here?? There's alternates!!"

Adam's expressions went from joyous to alarmed and oddly more awake. "Lucid???"

The angel nodded, Jonah wasn't reacting to either of them.

Lucid felt like something was surely off.

"Jonah!?" Adam called out, Shaking the other but only getting irrelevant responses like a toy with a few preprogrammed lines.

Lucid was distracted by something else, A paper on the fridge, The writting looked smudged, Blurry despite being inked down with a pen on the pale yellow note.

The angel was extremely well versed in language, He had to be, But his knowledge was failing him somehow

"Oh fuck." He heard the blonde curse, Making him turn back.

"This is all a dream isn't it? Adam continued, Lucid looked at him with the expression of an unintelligent animal as he was no thoughts head empty.

"You're not even real.. Are you!?" He accused.

The angel frowned. "I am real!! I can prove it!!"

Adam crossed his arms. "Fine, Tell me a fact I wouldn't know."

He scoured his memories for a moment. "Uh.. I may or may not be a term called a third wheel?"

The blonde blinked. "Wait what the fuck why are you right??"

Suddenly things started to go fuzzy, Adam quickly ran to Lucid, Gripping him by the arms. "Lucid, Lucid, Meet us back at the house as soon as you can? Okay??"

He nodded and then the angel jolted, Finding himself in a bed, A bed in a rather plain room, White walls, White bed, Perhaps there was color but his natural night sight couldn't pick up on it, It didn't matter.

What mattered was Lucid sneaking out, And heading back to Adam and Jonah's house.

The angel quickly got up, Loudly running because of his heeled boots as the bps duo would call the footwear.

He was at the exit...

"Leaving so soon..? Why.. You just got here, Lucid?" It was the archangel Gabriel, The false god...

The true angel turned around, Grinning and staring at the pure white wings on his back to divert his eyes from Gabriel's own, Soul stealing ones.

"I.. I want.. To... Hunt?" It sounded and felt weird on his passive tongue, Lucid in his mind would never hurt a fly, No matter how many diseases he was told they'd have.

Gabriel took a step towards Lucid, Causing him to back up against the door.

"You fascinate me."

The false angel tilted his head

I want to find out why that is... Little one, Though I'd be foolish to stop you from using that oddity to further cripple humanity, I will be monitoring your progress, Lucid, Expect my visits, I wish you luck." The angel nodded feeling around for the door handle before quickly opening it and fleeing, Hearing Gabriel's chilling laughter bidding him farewell.

Finding the house again wasn't hard, He remembered the route they took to that vendor, So he made his way back that way, His wings were too overfeathered to fly, Otherwise he'd be home sooner...

Lucid learning to fly was an interesting experience.

He didn't think too much of it at the time since he was a fledgling still but Lucid had grown familiar with his three older brothers sharing the story.

Apparently, He had grown to impatient to wait for one of his brothers to assist him in learning flight, So Lucid had taken it in his own hands.

He thought fondly about the way his brothers described their reactions.

Michael pleaded with him to be careful.

Raphael claimed to had handled it calm and professionally, Only for Michael to reveal that the healer in reality, Ran around in circles, screaming.

Lucid didn't have time to ponder the oldest of his siblings as he reached the porch of the home.

For a second he thought he couldn't get back inside, Until he remembered Adam pulling out a key from under the doormat.

The same trick actually worked...

Sadly, No sign of his new friends, But at least he had the familiar setting.

A little bit later...

Lucid was putting together something for himself to eat for the night, That's when he heard it, The sound of the door unlocking, The angel looked back and nearly dropped his plate in surprise.

It was Adam and Jonah, He didn't even notice the third person to walk in because he was so happy and trilled to see them back that he scooped them up to hug tightly in the moment.

Lucid let out a happy giggle, Lightly flapping his wings and scattering his dark feathers. "Hehe!! You guys are back!! I missed you!!!"

"Aww, We missed you too bud!!" Jonah said, Sweetly.

Lucid pulled away from the hug to look at Adam. "Adam!! Adam!! I did what you told me to do!!!" The angel spoke excitedly.

The blonde felt whiplash. "Oh holy shit, That was actually you, Dreamwalking huh? That's badass Lucid!!" He reached out and messed with the angel's curly dark hair.

"So.. This archangel is like a mix between a child and cat?"

Lucid turned his head back to see a new person, She looked like a stranger until he recognized her.

"Oh my god!! You're Sarah!! from the store!! I loved the snacks!!"

Sarah originally came into this intending to soley grill the archangel for info, But couldn't help but be charmed by his enthusiasm.

She noticed the state of his wings, Evelin would have a conniption had she been here, Being an animal activist and all, The girl even carried around a big ass snake and treated it like a puppy.

A part of Sarah was skeptical about Lucid, Who wouldn't be, But going off what Adam and Jonah said and seeing how this, Reborn deity was laughing and giggling over among us sus memes.

It made her feel happy and hopeful for the three.

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