Panic hangs in the air like a plague

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Lucid listened intently as he heard Adam talk on the phone.

"Okay so, Sir, You think there might be something otherworldly in the attic?" Jonah was in the kitchen, Making something, Mostly for the sake of keeping himself preoccupied in the meantime.

"Uh huh, Yeah, Okay, We'll be there soon, Quick question, Are you or anyone else going to be home? Well We have a new policy, These things can sense fear, And it's not worth risking the safety of our clientele to have them present, Alright, Good, Consider it a deal." Adam pressed a button on his cellphone to hang up the call.

He cleared his throat. "Okay so, We have a job, We're going to go into some guy's attic." He could see Lucid open his mouth to speak but assumed what he was going to say. "An attic is like another floor to someone's house." That seemed to answer the angel's unspoken inquiry. 

"Do we know anything else about it?" Jonah asked, Looking with concern. 

"Not much, All I got was, He went up to grab a box and then saw some dark figure, He called the cops but they didn't find anything, And the guy saw it again yesterday."

Lucid tilted his head. "How do you usually deal with them, Alternates? I mean." 

Adam crossed his arms, With a grin. "I'm glad you asked, We use a variety of methods ranging from shoo-ing them via means of the true god and confronting them on behalf of the victims!"

"Bro that's.. That's not what we do at all, Don't we just run in there and hope for the best?" Jonah spoke, Causing the other to huff in slight annoyance.

"I was trying to hype it up man!!" The blonde retaliated. 

The three of them all ran to get into the van, Adam and Jonah however being more on edge than Lucid, Due to that last one they took, They both hoped not to have any more repeats, The two Bps members had a discussion about it prior to the archangel's arrival, Agreeing to stay together, Agreeing to identify their own limits and the limits of those around them, Oh yeah, And pack holy water, In which they did.

It was in a mix of a country and suburban place, Out in the woods but still surrounded by other homes, In varying states of disrepair and inhabitance, They almost couldn't find it honestly.

"Is this the place? It looks shady as shit." Jonah criticized, Fidgeting with his jacket string.

"Looks like it." Adam replied, Double checking the address he was sent on his phone.

They waited a few minutes, Seeing if anything would spring up, Like neighbors or the owner of the house somehow not being the one who called, But thankfully that had not turned to be the case. 

Adam opened his door, Prompting Jonah to do the same, They almost went inside but forgot about the elephant in the room, Or well more accurately, The angel in the back of the van.

The blonde went around and opened up the back doors, Getting a shy smile from Lucid as well as a small wave and a quiet "Hi."

As expected, The door was locked but Adam found the key hidden in the mailbox like the caller said. 

He unlocked and opened the door, Leading his best friend and angel to where he was told the attic was.

Adam pulled down the string, The string that dragged the ladder down to the floor, He smirked and motioned Jonah to it. "Ladies first-" He was caught off guard when the angel went up the stairs, Being prompted by the joke somehow. 

"Lucid!?" He called out, Confused.

"Gender is a social construct!!!" Was the reply he got, Adam blinked a few times giving a weird look to Jonah which received a shrug before he followed suit of the angel.

Adam could hear Lucid and Jonah coughing as he himself climbed up the stairs, And Holy shit, This place was dusty.

Once that cleared they were faced with another issue, The attic was both large and cluttered, Something could be hiding anywhere.

They agreed to somewhat split up, Adam and Jonah stayed together, Lucid went on his own, While being well armed with a nailed bat that that Adam gave him.

Lucid couldn't help but wonder if they were going about this the right way, He knew that Jonah atleast was doing it to keep food on the table but from Adam who seemed genuinely passionate about helping, It didn't make sense to pick off one or two if the're as prevalent as the angel had heard. 

He saw a black blanket on the floor, Lucid kept looking, Paying no mind to it, Until his heel stepped on the mass and he heard it yowl and skitter out from under his footing, Causing the angel to fall back onto the floor, It whipped around, Aiming to fly directly at Lucid who let out a shriek and swung the bat he had blindly, Smacking what he assumed to be an alternate in the face.

That didn't stun it too long as it's white face, With it's stretched out features, Let out a screech, One that was short lived as it took a boot from the head, Lucid himself would feel his body being dragged backward, He looked back and his eyes met those of Adam's who replied to the look verbally. "I've got you, I've got you." He reassured 

And He looked to his left and saw Jonah wielding his another shoe. "FUCK OFFF BRO!!!!"

The alternate looked like it would strike again but something seemed to stop it, Something made it flee, A loud blaring siren from outside, It ran off, Bumping against Jonah, Possibly in a last ditch effort to inflict harm on one of them atleast, Though it failed.

The three of them heard the sirens and saw the bright flashing lights, Blue and red, Lucid didn't know what they were but he knew what meant, Trouble, As he saw the horrified looks on Adam and Jonah's faces, They all stood frozen for a second, With the exception of the angel who was sitting on the floor still

Jonah had a revelation in that moment, He knew they could get away if they ran but the police would see Lucid's wings, And there could be a good chance for one of them to be caught even if that was brushed off. 

"Adam... Grab that extension chord!" He saw a look of confusion as the blonde looked at him but he went through with it anyways, Tossing it to Jonah who caught the orange wire effortlessly. 

The blonde slid down to sit behind Lucid. "We're in deep shit, We're going to have to bind your wings down again." The angel nodded, Muttering a scared and quiet. "Okay..."

"Lucid, When we get taken in, Deny knowing anything about us, Okay? And do what the officers say." Jonah's attempt at sounding casual could only go so far as the fear crept into his voice regardless.

The chord felt tighter around his upper and lower body than the medical tape did, In fact, Lucid gasped and fought to take in air in which the bind was loosened, Being accompanied by hushed apologies, Every feather on his now concealed wings was fluffed up, The angel was utterly terrified.

A loud constant banging was their cue that the door was being barged down, First down stairs, A megaphone gave them orders. 

"Come down, With your hands up, Where we can see them." Adam and Jonah knew they were screwed. 

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