An oasis of loathing, Surely this can only be dream

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The headquarters of the alternates was, Well, In a cave, The angel imagined it to be more industrial but he was surprised by elegant pillars carved out of stone that lined the long hallway.

"Wow!! When was this place made??" Lucid spoke up, Allowing himself to forget his situation for a moment, Though he knew to watch his words.

He saw a brief look of pride graze Gabriel's features. "Well.. It's the newest of our headquarters location, Though it's quite elaborate, I will fetch one of my subordinates for the time being, I'm rather busy so it's not like I have time to babysit you!!" The false angel spoke, With a teasing laugh.

The other angel stood there, Tilting his head to the side, Unsure if he should've laughed or not, His brother always did have unclear social cues.

His eyes looked to the left as he heard the sound of footsteps approaching, Seeing that same hooded figure from before. "What's up boss?" 

"Can you please take care of this little one and show him around? I am much too busy to do it myself!"

"Yep, Will do boss." The alternate replied, Calmly and somewhat cool-ly in Lucid's opinion.

Gabriel let out a sigh before walking away.

"Bye!!" The angel spoke, Causing that of the false one to freeze and look back.

"Yo boss, Y'a good?"

Gabriel sighed. "Yes.. I'm alright I must leave now." He race walked before any more distractions could sway him off course, Leaving Lucid and the previous alternate, Questions held within the both of them.

Lucid felt eyes on him. "So, You're an alternate, Huh?" The angel didn't hesitate in blurting out something that resembled a confirmative reply.

Intruder poorly stifled a laugh, Audibly snickering into his sleeveless glove.

A sudden question came to mind to Lucid. "Why did he call me a 'little one'?" The angel was far from being short and nowhere near being a child either.

"Oh, Yeah, Okay so, We refer to newly formed alternates as the little ones, It's just easier to keep track and teach them that way." It sounded oddly wholesome to the angel.

That angel also figured now would be a good time to to steer the small talk to a more helpful direction.

"How were we formed?" Lucid asked, He knew needed to blend in better before asking possibly incriminating questions.

He watched the Intruder struggle with that one. "I dunno actually, Maybe ask Gabe when he has free time."

"He won't get annoyed with that?" The angel asked with a tilt of his head.

The alternate attempted waved off his concern. "Nah nah, He likes takin' care of y'all."

Lucid tilted his head.."He does??"

"Ya, Who wouldn't care for their creations?"

A certain god came to mind for the angel

Meanwhile elsewhere.....

The entirety of Bps sat in the living room of an officer, Or well... Retired officer, A man named Thatcher Davis, He wasn't there to arrest them though, He was a friend of Sarah, One that was as fed up with the police and alternates almost if not more than the Bps themselves.

It was late at night still, So he was only around briefly before calling it a night, Allowing Adam and Jonah to stay and rest too if they needed.

But there was no way in hell they were resting.

Not now, Not with so much on the line, Lucid was still out there, Gabriel could have gotten him, The police, The government.

"I'm sure he's okay Adam!! You saw him!! He's probably resourceful!" Jonah attempted to console the blonde as he paced the floor.

"I think I'm missing something?" A third voice chimed in, The voice of Sarah Heathcliff, Adam nearly shit himself when he realized that they had to tell her.

The way she glared, They both knew they couldn't get away with a lie.

"Uh... So... We may or may not have.. A pet archangel?"

"Jonah What the fuck he's not our pet."

The two began to bicker until the eldest of the three spoke up. "Wait wait, You two found a fucking, Arch angel? And kept it? Oh my god, You two are so lucky to be alive, That thing was an alternate."

Adam gulped, He knew how intense Sarah could be about alternates, And she had good reason, Something the two could relate on.

"He's not an alternate, He's Gabriel, Not Lucifer, He was the holy angel Gabriel, I know we have no proof of that fact and we could be playing into his hands but, He helped me fight an alternate, He forgave us greeting him with purely hostility... Lucid deserves to be given the benefit of the doubt, Like we have for eachother." The blonde spoke, He caught a sweet smile from Jonah, It made him happy, Adam was never really good with words.

There was an uncomfortable silence that fell between the three, As Adam and Jonah stared and waited for approval or disapproval.

She sighed. "I guess, If it means that much to you, I'll help you find him after getting your car back."

Jonah got up from his spot and ran up and hugged Adam tightly in response to the good news. "Hell yeah! We can do this Adam!!" The blonde in question smiled, Hugging him back.

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