When the moon rises up

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Jonah was the first to wake up that next morning, He was an early riser despite his slacker disposition, He went to the living room first, Checking on the plant that they had been gifted.

As far as he knew, Adam was still asleep, Then again, The half blonde wasn't going to barge into his room to confirm, He found Lucid on the couch, Curled up in his wings...Shaking.

The half blonde walked closer, Taking a moment to observe him, He could hear faint noises from the angel, Whimpers and whines, Jonah figured one thing.

He was having a nightmare.

"Lucid, Lucid, Hey, Wake up!" Jonah shook him gently, Opting to wake him up from the nightmare than to let him deal with it longer than needed.

The angel's eyes shot open, His tall pupils were thin like a cat's, Only a moment though as they quickly dilated back to normal size as the angel recognized his surroundings, Lucid still looked shaken up.

Jonah sat down next to him, Pushing one of the wings of the angel away from his own face before the dander could get to him. "You're okay, You're safe." He repeated it a few times as he tested the waters with touch.

The half blonde saw that Lucid leaned into it so he gently pulled the angel close, Reaching below his wings to reach and rub his back comfortingly.

It was the same process he ran through whenever Adam had a nightmare.

Speak of the devil, Here he was. 

The strawberry blonde walked in, Yawning and rubbing his eye. "Hi Jo- Oh shit, Is the want okay?"

Jonah could see a dazed look of confusion on the angel's face.

"The want?" Lucid asked, Tilting his head.

"Yeah, Anytime we mention any sort of food around you, You go 'Waaaaannt!!!' It's cute honestly." Adam explained, Snickering a little. 

The angel let out his own little laugh in response, Though he felt a little lightheaded, Perhaps it was an after effect of his nightmare.

Jonah chuckled along and as he looked at the other's wings, He had a thought. "Hey, You have wings, Do you know if you can still use them?"

Truthfully the thought hadn't crossed the angel's mind due to everything going on. "I suppose I can!" They thankfully didn't feel sore or stiff, Possibly because Lucid used them reflexively so they were unlikely to become atrophied.

"Hey Jo, Your dad did his better call Saul shit here in Mandela county right?" The strawberry blonde asked, With a humorous smirk.

Jonah groaned. "Oh fuck, How could I forget, He still does that stuff to this day!" 

"My point is, You've been here atleast a little bit, Do you think there is any place we can go to take the angel airlines on the road without being seen?" 

Lucid tilted his head again. "Who's Saul?"

"Oh he's a relative of Candice-"


The two members of BPS went back and fourth, Throwing playful insults, They didn't phase the angel, As he was used to the intense sibling rivalry that Raphael and Michael had...Oh how Lucid missed them.

His mood dropped a little, He really had no way to tell them the truth of his status, Perhaps that was his punishment, To be isolated from the family he betrayed, Lucid really thought Gabriel would change, They were family at one point.

Maybe he'll meet them again someday.

"Lucid? Are you okay??" Jonah called out, Seemingly noticing his spaced out look.

Atleast he had Adam and Jonah now...

"Yikes, Bro did we say something out of line?" The strawberry blonde joined in. 

Though he didn't deserve them...

Lucid's breathing hitched, The two boys rushed to his aid, Jonah more so, Since he was better with physical affection than Adam, But Adam stayed by his side regardless.

"I'm such a fool..." The angel admitted, Though muffled as he pressed his face into the soft knitted fabric of his friend's sweater.

"No you aren't!" Jonah insisted, Yet he felt something more was afoot than just a moment of weakness being shown. "Lucid, Talk to us, You can!"

The angel looked up from his embrace, Staring at the half blonde with his tall green eyes, Jonah would have been scared had Lucid not had the personality of a cuddly kitten.

"I ran into Gabriel..." The blood from Adam and Jonah's faces drained upon hearing that statement. 

"Holy shit, Dude are you okay?? That bastard didn't hurt you at all right!? Right!??" The strawberry blonde spoke up, His body arched defensively. "We'll kick his ass if he did!"

"Adam, Calm down, It's okay, He's okay, That's what matters right now." Jonah's words did get through, He wondered why they were so attached to an angel they met only a few weeks ago, Maybe it was related to some holy destiny.

Or the fact that Lucid had been one of the few people they've met to greet them with kindness and compassion..

"He thinks I'm an alternate, He wants me to harm you both, But I don't want to put you guys in peril!! I don't want to hurt anyone else with my actions!!" The angel cried, Devolving into a sob before snuggling into the half blonde's chest again.

Jonah sighed, He looked to Adam who struggled to bury his still shocked expression. "Is that what you were dreaming about?" The half blonde asked, Receiving a small nod from the dark haired angel as confirmation.

"You aren't going to hurt us Lucid! I know wouldn't." The strawberry blonde reassured.

"Yeah!...W_'ll -e th-" Lucid felt dizzy, He couldn't catch was Jonah had said to him.

"Lucid? Lucid!!! ADAM-"

His consciousness started to slip as whispers welcomed him into the dark.

--Author's note---

As a Christmas treat, There will be two new chapters today :)

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