2. The Next-door Man

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I almost jumped to the ceiling with the sudden loud voice. I straightened up immediately and groped around the bed to find my phone in the dark room.


Was it a joke? Who would listen to pop music loudly at 3 am in the morning?! Irritated, I tried to focus on the direction the music was coming and the answer was clear as day.

Next door.

As it was impossible for me to go and warn the people next door, I pressed the second pillow on my head and tried to go back to sleep.

As if it was possible...

The music continued until five am, until the first yellow beams of the sun penetrated through the terrace door. Only then I could heave a relieved sigh, and sending a message to the apartment owner, I went to sleep.

Two hours later, I woke up with a knock on my door. My heart jolted, but then I remembered about my packages and the message I sent to the owner. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and went to the door, bare feet. Checking from the peephole, I saw it was indeed the owner.

I unlocked the door and pulled it open before I took a step back for a safe distance. The owner hesitated at the door, but as I didn't move from the door, he stayed where he was.

"What is the problem?" he asked with a timid expression, obviously knowing what my problem was.

"The tenant next door," I said flatly and he shifted on his feet.

"He is a young nice man around your age, he lowers the music immediately if you tell him to do so," he blurted out guiltily, making me grit my teeth. So, he was the reason why the floor was empty and the rent was low.

"I guess he has no common sense not to listen to music loudly at three am," I snorted as I stared at the short man, "there is no way I can knock on his door, so, what to do now?"

"I- I will talk to him," the man stuttered, rubbing his chubby nape, but from his body language, I could see that talking wouldn't bring any solution.

"Please do so, or I will call the police next time," I said coldly and closed the door. Indeed, I am a bit rude, but I don't care about it. I hate people, so what? They caused me enough damage.

Being hit by the second wave of anger towards the certain man, I grabbed my phone harshly and slumped on the sofa to do my necessary shopping. Online, of course. I ordered some easy-to-make food for breakfast and lunch, a lot of bottles of water, a few cartoons of milk and a few packages of coffee. As I always ordered food for dinner, I didn't have to buy vegetables or meat products. When I finished grocery shopping, I opened the home applications app and after checking each item carefully, I bought a wooden bookcase, a ready-to use fence, a desk lamp, a coffee machine, a huge box of black ball pens, and a few sacks of white papers. I completed the payment with the note saying items should be left at the door.

While waiting for the grocery items, I decided to take a shower to wash off the groggy feeling. With great timing, when I was out of the bathroom, the door was knocked. I remained still on my spot, waiting for the delivery man to leave.

Deciding two minutes were enough, I precariously half opened the door and shut it back immediately, seeing something moving on the ground.

"What the hell?" I murmured as I leaned on the door, my hand over my heart. When my brain processed the millisecond of the vision I saw, I realised it wasn't something but a young man with blue hair.

Knock... knock...

I almost jumped out my skin when the door vibrated on my back. I took a deep breath as usual, but then I realised I wasn't actually panicking. I was just shocked to see someone on the ground, near my boxes. Interesting...

Knock... knock...

How persistent was he? Would he knock until I open the damn door?

Knock... knock...

"I know you are there~" a vibrant voice with a playful aura passed through the thin door and reached my ears.

Was he mocking me? I got irritated and with a sudden urge, I pulled the door open.

"Hey, I am Talay from next door," he greeted me with a huge smile, not being taken aback because of my height or frown.

I looked at him from head to toe. He couldn't be older than me though he was at least fifteen centimetre shorter than me. He was wearing an oversized blue long sleeve t-shirt and black baggy pants, but it was obvious that he was very thin. His freckled cheeks and nose weren't enough to hide his milk white skin which wasn't usual for an Asian.

"Won't you greet me back?" he asked, his monolid bead-like black eyes almost disappearing because of the huge smile on his face. How could he be so shameless after ruining my night?

"It is rude to touch other people's stuff," I said scoldingly, gesturing at the box on the ground.

"I am sorry," he flipped his long blue bangs back, "I just love this writer too!" he announced and took out a novel out of the box for me to see.

"AREV?" I asked, amused.

Putting back the book on the top of the box, he nodded like a puppy, his blue hair moving like waves, "he is the best!"

I arched my eyebrows, "do you know him?" I asked, forgetting I hated the small man.

He gave me a reproaching glance, "don't you know he hides his identity? What kind of fan are you?"

"Ah," I said, not feeling offended because that writer is actually me.

He lifted his arm as if he wanted to put it on my arm, so I flinched back swiftly. He gave me an unreadable look and dropped his arm on his side back.

"I have all of his books, I can lend you if you want," he said with a proud smile.

Gosh, weren't his muscles hurt from smiling that much?

I shook my head, "no need, just keep the music off at nights, that's enough," I said and shut the door. Still, I didn't move away from the door as I had to get my boxes in.

"See ya!" I heard him saying before his light footsteps moved towards the elevator.

"What a weird guy!" I huffed as I opened the door and pulled two boxes full of books and one with sports equipment inside.

By that time, I failed to notice that it was my first long and non-panicking conversation with a stranger after so long...

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