23. Our Timeline

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"Really?" I asked with shock when Talay explained what he wanted me to do as a punishment.

"Yes!" he exclaimed with stars dancing in his eyes.

"You seriously dreamed about coming to my autograph session and wooing me... really?"

He raised his chin with a proud manner, "why? Don't you believe I could do it?"

"You did it already even though you were not aware of it," I gave him the credit, "I just think you might be a little obsessive."

Talay blushed at the first part, then he let out a chuckle at the second part, "I am obsessive!" he declared with a grin, "but it is too late to lament for you!"

I shook my head in awe, he was really peculiar and I should be weirder than him as I found his behaviour extremely cute.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Was it too much? I am sorrmmmppgghh-"

I didn't let him finish as I smashed our lips, pulling his worries out of him. I know my demeanour is extremely cold and my rude behaviour is no joke, but I wanted Talay to be comfortable with me. It was breaking my heart whenever he got nervous and apologised to me for trivial things.

"I guess it means you are okay with it," he said when we broke the kiss.

I caressed his blushed cheeks lovingly and nodded.

"Will you be okay coming to my flat?" he asked again with a hint of worry.

"It is just my boyfriend's flat, what's there to exaggerate?" I said with a smile and earned another good kiss. Good. I liked the treatment.

"Okay, let's go," Talay announced and grabbed my hand. Together, we walked to his door. "I am opening the door," he said as a last warning and I nodded, trying to look strong.

The key turned inside the lock, the door separating the outside world from Talay's world opened and I managed to enter the flat without having an attack.

"Identical, right?" Talay asked, tugging my arm.

Indeed, it was. The same furniture, the same placement... Apparently, the apartment owner didn't like to think much, he just ordered the same stuff for all the flats. If I didn't buy the bookcase, then he could deceive me that it was my flat.

When I finished looking around, I turned back to Talay, "so what's the next step?"

He grabbed my arms and pulled me towards the dining table, "sit here, I will bring my, well also your novels for you to sign."

Chuckling at his enthusiasm, I sat on the wooden chair, arms crossed while Talay fished out the novels out of his closet. It was flattering that he had all my books, all four of them.

He carried the books to the table before going to get a pen. When he had everything necessary, he reached the cactus-shaped, black-inked pen to me with a smile.

I returned the smile and pulled out the first book I wrote. Opening the first page, I looked up at Talay who was still standing at the other side of the table, "name?"

He burst into laughter. Bending forward with his hands on the table, he said "Talay or darling is good."

I darted at him with an amused glance, then wrote a few lines and signed my name under before giving the novel to him.

"To nuisance, good luck with your life," Talay read it out loud and whined as I expected.

"Did you seriously write this?" he asked rhetorically with a pout.

I didn't say anything, just smiled at him before getting the second book I wrote from the pile. I wrote a few lines again and handed it to Talay's impatient hands.

"To next-door man, wish you luck with your nightmares," he read it slowly and raised his eyebrows as if asking me the meaning of it.

Keeping my silence, I got the third book. Covering my hand with my other hand to hide my words from Talay's curious eyes, I wrote my third message. The moment I stopped, Talay pulled the novel under my hand.

"To my lovely companion, I am here for you," he read and his pout turned into a smile.

With that, only my last novel left. I dragged it towards myself and wrote my final message before handing it to Talay.

"To my perfect boyfriend, thanks for coming to my life," he read with a shaky voice as his lips trembled.

I think he liked my way of linking my novels with our story in chronological order.

He gently put the novel on the top of the others and pulled the table a bit towards himself. Then he came around the table and sat on my lap, his legs dangling from both sides of the chair. He circled his arms around my neck and snuggled his face into my neck.

"Thank you, Veera, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you."

Hearing those majestic three words, I melted. Returning the hug tightly, I repeated those three miracle words.

"I love you too."


Hey cuties, as the ending is near, I will try to update everyday from now on^^ 

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