20. Kissed Me?!

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"Oh my!"

Hearing the voice, I jerked my eyes open.

"Sorry dear, I woke you up."

Rubbing my free hand over my eyes, I looked towards the door where the voice was coming from. It was a woman in her late fifties. "You are...?" I asked very softly not to wake Talay whose head was on my chest.

"I am Talay's mother," the woman replied and I almost had a heart attack. How did she learn that we were in the hospital?!

Carefully yet swiftly, I moved Talay's head on the pillow and got out of the hospital bed. Rubbing my nape with abashment, I said "I can explain."

She looked at me intently with her small black eyes (so Talay got them from his mother) and chuckled silently, covering her mouth with her fist. Then she pointed me to the door and we walked out of Talay's room after I put on my shoes.

When I silently closed the door, she said "I didn't know Talay had a... friend."

"I am his next-door neighbour," I clarified, still being abashed from getting caught in that intimate position.

"Ah, it is you then, Veera," she replied with realisation, "what happened to my son?"

Although I wanted to ask her how she knew about me, Talay was the priority. "He got trapped in the storage where he works and fainted, so I brought him here. Don't worry, he is okay, just sleeping," I explained and she heaved a sad sigh.

"Thank you, Veera, I owe you one."

I shook my head in objection and she smiled for a second before getting sombre.

"My poor child, he always attracts bad luck," she heaved another sigh, then she straightened her shoulders and added "at least his nightmares stopped."

I frowned hearing her, and oscillated between telling her the truth or not. It was obvious Talay was the one who lied to her, but wasn't it better if she knew? Then she could help.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked with anxiety, "is there something I need to know?"

I felt so small under her scrutinising gaze and decided to crack the news to her. I could deal with Talay later. Therefore, I led her to the chairs, letting two empty chairs between us discreetly.

"I was lying with him because he was restless in the night," I started and she got paled immediately.

"Don't tell me..."

"Unfortunately yes," I nodded with a grim expression, "he has nightmares every night, so I stay with him every night."

She covered her mouth with her hand, a single tear trickled down her small face. Seeing her reaction, I felt bad, so I added "he doesn't mind though, he is always so cheerful."

She sniffed and smiled, "he is, right? He is like sunshine."

I nodded, agreeing totally. We sat in silence for a few minutes in the empty white corridor, then I said "we think his nightmares are about the accident in Japan."

"Japan?" she asked, confused, then nodded "what about it?"

I found her reaction a bit odd, but I refrained from commenting on it. I rather said "because he doesn't have any recollection and nobody tells him the nature of his accident, he keeps having the same kind of nightmares."

"It is a past matter, better to forget about it," she declared, but I objected.

"He is not able to forget, so are you willing to let him have nightmares forever?" I challenged her.

"I..." she looked hesitant for a second, but then agreed, "I will tell him when he wakes up. I hope it will help him to get rid of the nightmares."

I smiled triumphantly, but it was short-lived as the sudden flocks of patients started to occupy the corridor. With surging panic, I rose to my feet.

"Are you okay?" Talay's mother asked me as she rose to her feet again.

"I... must return to Talay," I mumbled and almost ran to the certain room.

I pushed the door open and closed it with my back pressed to it. It was close, pfff!

"Are you okay?"

Hearing the familiar voice, I looked towards the bed and saw Talay was sitting on it with a worried expression.

"I am okay, just too many people," I replied and walked to him. Sitting on the corner of the bed, I asked "do you feel better?"

He nodded and grabbed my hand, "thank you, the nurse said you brought me here and didn't leave even for a second. How did that happen?"

"I called you, but you didn't answer, so..." I paused to wet my lips, "I thought something bad happened. I came to check on you and saw your phone was inside the restaurant, so I guessed you were inside the storage."

"Oh my, you saved my life," he squeezed my hand, "but wasn't it hard for you? Going out and the people... you know."

"I didn't even have time to think about myself, you literally fainted on me," I declared honestly.

"I am sorry... I made you worried again and forced you to go out."

I cleared my throat and trapped his hand between my huge ones, "how come you were alone there?"

He looked down as though he was feeling guilty, "Jenny got a call from her daughter, so I just sent her, saying I could do it alone. It was okay, but then the bag slid and the door got shut."

He shivered, remembering the tasteless incident, so patting his hand, I said "you are okay now, it is what matters."

He smiled cutely with blush, making my heart jolted with relief, gratitude and love.

"I guess I will take the chance," Talay murmured in a daze and before I understood what happened, he pulled my shirt towards him and smashed our lips.


Surprise!!! You cuties didn't expect an update, right? ^^

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